Olaf Conijn
Olaf Conijn
hi! i just wrote the tests to verify whether this bug (still) exists on the branch i am using for the next release. i dont believe it does. could you...
indeed - that doesn't seem super useful :). now, just created a new beta `npm i [email protected]`. let me know whether that works better.
!Ref only takes 1 argument. so you would be able to `!Ref CurrentAccount`, but not `!Ref CurentAccount.Name`. likewise you would not be able to `!GetAtt CurrentAccount`. right or wrong, the...
sounds like a great idea
thanks! do you have an example of previous and target-state template? I'll have a look at what the actual limit is you run into (maybe shorting `-org-formation-move-source` would be a...
i am trying to figure out how this would work.... ... would this be an additional attribute of `update-stacks` task? something like `TemplateTransform: { Data: xs:any }` or would this...
@zaro0508 i would think about this as something we could add to `update-stacks` as opposed to creating a new type. current update-stacks tasks could then start to use templating by...
my suggestion for implementation would be to: 1) add a this capability to the existing update-stacks task type. 2) add an attribute TextTemplatingParameters to the task type. 3) if TextTemplatingParameters...
did you modify your state.json file by any change? org.yml seems as plain as can be. otherwise, use option --print-stack to print stack? that would be helpful too. thanks!
i think there is two issues here: - you are not able to assume a role (because you are logged in as root). I'll add that to the documentation that...