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🌈 Okuna for the web.
🌈 okuna-web
Okuna is coming to the web.
Table of contents
- Requirements
- Project overview
- Code of Conduct
- License
- Other issues
- Git commit message conventions
- Getting started
Project overview
The project is a Nuxt application.
It's dependent on the okuna-api backend, be it whether you host your own or use the Okuna backend at https://api.openbook.social/
There are many different ways to contribute to the website development, just find the one that best fits with your skills and open an issue/pull request in the repository.
Examples of contributions we love include:
- Code patches
- Bug reports
- Patch reviews
- Translations
- UI enhancements
Code of Conduct
Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.
Every contribution accepted is licensed under MIT or any later version. You must be careful to not include any code that can not be licensed under this license.
Please read carefully our license and ask us if you have any questions.
Responsible disclosure
Cyber-hero? Check out our Vulnerability Disclosure page.
Other issues
We're available almost 24/7 in the Okuna slack channel. Join us!
Git commit message conventions
Help us keep the repository history consistent 🙏!
We use gitmoji as our git message convention.
If you're using git in your command line, you can download the handy tool gitmoji-cli.
Getting started
Clone the repository
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Configure the .env file
$ copy .sample.env .dev.env
$ copy .sample.env .prod.env
$ nano .{dev|prod}.env
Start the development server
$ npm run dev
Build for production
$ npm run generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.