barr copied to clipboard
i3 bugs (?)
Hey i'm using i3wm, but the I3 module of barr isn't working that well Is there a way i can put an instant refresh interval ? 1 second is pretty slow Also, can I change the color of the current workspace ? One colour is not very understandable
And, also, the mpd module isn't working at, it says "barr.rb:22:in main: uninitialized constant Barr::Blocks::MPD (NameError)"
You can set the interval to a tenth of a second - it's not quite instant but it's really quick. Something like
i3 = interval: 0.1
There isn't currently a way of setting the current workspace to a specific colour, though you can invert the colours for the focused workspace. For example, if you're using white text on a black background you can have it so the focused workspace is black text on a white background.
i3 = invert_focus_colors: true
Having specific colours is on my to-do list, but no ETA for them just yet.
Thanks for reporting MPD issue. I'll take a look at it, though it likely won't be until the weekend.
Actually, for me the interval of 0.1 isn't working at all,
Maybe that is a problem with the way i am launching the bar ?
As i am testing the bar, i launch it with ruby barr.rb | lemonbar -d -B "#333333" -f "Roboto Mono Medium:size=9" -f "Font Awesome:size=11" | sh
(the way it is told in the README, i just removed the geometry because it involved some errors)
That looks okay - would you mind pasting the contents of your barr.rb
file please?
Could you also check which version of Barr you have installed please? If you're not sure, the easiest way is probably to open irb
and run the following:
require 'barr'
puts Barr::VERSION