
Results 9 issues of Oieswarya

I have simulated a set of ONT long reads (10x) of E coli using the Badreads simulator tool. I was wondering is there any way I can know the co...


Hello I have installed haslr and my bin includes all the 6 files: bin/fastutils bin/haslr_assemble bin/haslr.py bin/minia bin/minimap2 bin/minia_nooverlap I tried with the example command: python haslr.py -t 8 -o...

I am running samba with this command : ./samba.sh -r minia_eColi_SR.contigs.fa -q EC_hifi.fa -d asm -t 8 The output log is: [Tue Apr 25 15:36:03 PDT 2023] Output scaffold sequences...

I have aligned contigs to longreads using Minimap2 and generated the paf file. I am trying to use racon to get a consensus of these. The command I am using:...

Hi I am running the samba tool and it is showing in the log file as this: + shift + [[ 0 > 0 ]] + '[' '!' -s /Minia_Contigs/minia_eColi_SR.contigs.fa...

I am trying to use HiCanu on some real world HiFi data that I downloaded from NCBI but for both the datasets it is not giving me any output. I...

I am trying to run LJA with simulated HiFi reads of Human Chr 7 (mean length of reads=10kbp, coverage is 10x). But I am having child process crashed error. This...

Hello, I have been trying to run goldrush with simulated HiFi reads of Human. The coverage of the reads is 10x. I have used goldrush for several other simulated inputs...