gitabra icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gitabra copied to clipboard

Magit-lite for neovim


A little Magit in neovim

Demo Animation

Quick Start

:Gitabra to bring up the or refresh the status buffer

While in the status buffer:

  • <tab> to expand/collapse the node under the cursor
  • <enter> to visit the thing under the cursor
  • s to stage hunk or file under the cursor (partial hunk supported)
  • S stage all
  • u to unstage hunk or file under the cursor (partial hunk supported)
  • U unstage all
  • x to discard the hunk under the cursor (partial hunk supported)
  • q to quit the buffer and close the window
  • cc to start editing the commit message
  • ca to start editing the last commit message

While editing the commit message:

Gitabra will pass on the contents of COMMIT_EDITMSG to git when the buffer is written to, or when the window is closed. Feel free to use ":w", ":wq", ":q", or your favorite vim command.



Plug 'Odie/gitabra'

lua << EOF
  require("gitabra").setup {
    -- Optional call to `setup`
    -- Leave empty to use defaults


use {'Odie/gitabra',
  opt = true,
  cmd = {'Gitabra'},
  config = function()
    require("gitabra").setup {
    -- Optional call to `setup`
    -- Leave empty to use defaults


Gitabra currently use the following defaults.

  disclosure_sign = {
    collapsed = ">",
    expanded = "⋁"

Modified settings can be set via gitabra.setup(). This needs to be done before activating the plugin via the Gitabra command the first time.


This is alpha quality software!

It shouldn't but might discard data you did not intend to. Be careful!