format-doc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
format-doc copied to clipboard

Alternative interpreter for OCaml format strings

Format-doc provides alternative interpreters for OCaml format strings:

  • Format_doc.Immutable provides an immutable interpreter that records formatting instruction that can be send subsequently to a Format.formatter.

  • Format_doc.Ref is a thin layer above Format_doc.Immutable that wraps the document in a reference cell in order to mimic the classical Format API.

  • Format_doc.Compat provides a compatibility interpreter that may work in either the classical Format mode or in the reference mode from above."

Immutable interface

The Immutable module provides a way to compose partial message without mutation

open Format_doc.Immutable
module Doc = Format_doc.Doc

type Doc.tag += Red

let test_doc = 
  |> open_box B 0
  |> string "Let's start with a string."
  |> printf "@,%s@ %t" "We can use regular"
    (list string ["format strings "; "and immutable printer"])
  |> open_tag Red
  |> printf "@ and tag."
  |> close_tag
  |> close_box
  |> force_stop

The advantage is that the Doc.t consists in pure data and it is thus fully serializable and independent on the interpretation of tags and formatting hints.

In particular, this means that we can easily print the same document with different interpretation of tags or geometry without resorting to a closure

let () =
  Format.set_geometry ~max_indent:19 ~margin:20;
  Doc.format Format.std_formatter test_doc 

Compatibility interface

The Compat module has been designed to be able to replace in-situ the Format module with exactly the same API while giving the possibility to use either the Format_doc.Immutable backend or the classical backend.

open Format_doc.Compat
let print ppf ()  =
  pp_open_box ppf 0;
  pp_print_string ppf "Let's start with a string.";
  fprintf ppf "@,%s@ %a"
  "We can use regular"
  (pp_print_list pp_print_string) ["format strings "; "and immutable printer"];
  pp_open_stag ppf Red;
  fprintf ppf "@ and tags.";
  pp_close_stag ppf ();
  pp_close_box ppf ();
  pp_print_newline ppf ()

Switching to the classical backend is then just a function call away

  let () = compat print Format.std_formatter ()

but we can still choose the immutable backend with

let test_doc' = doc_printf "%t" print () 

and use the fact that Doc.t is pure data to check that we ended up with the same Doc.t with the compatibility layer:

let _ = assert (test_doc = test_doc')