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New and updated `reprs` for Variable, ParticleFile, Field, and ParticleSet
New/updated reprs for:
- Variable
- ParticleFile
- Field
- ParticleSet
Variable(name=test, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, initial=0, to_write=False)
ParticleFile(name='file.zarr', particleset=<parcels.particleset.ParticleSet object at 0x15e6896a0>, outputdt=3600.0, chunks=None, create_new_zarrfile=False)
grid : RectilinearZGrid(lon=array([ 0.00, 0.05, 0.11, ..., 0.89, 0.95, 1.00], dtype=float32), lat=array([ 0.00, 0.05, 0.11, ..., 0.89, 0.95, 1.00], dtype=float32), time=array([ 0.00]), time_origin=0, mesh='flat')
extrapolate time: True
time_periodic : False
gridindexingtype: 'nemo'
to_write : False
fieldset : <parcels.fieldset.FieldSet object at 0x15faeb3b0>
pclass : False
repeatdt : None
# particles: 15
particles : [P[2](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[3](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[4](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[5](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[6](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[7](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), P[8](lon=0.000000, lat=0.000000, depth=0.000000, time=0.000000), ...]
contributes to #1693