> Thanks for this solution! It works! > > My http call: > > This works only in the local network. > > Is it possible with Homekit to...
For me its working finde...now. But yes- i hope far a solution to use it longer.
> Hi guys, I always feared this day would come 🙈 Unfortunately I don’t have the time and resources to take care of the project at the moment. It seems...
If you have still the keys... it still works.
> Hi, i think the following Link to download the MMM-Globe is not working. Can anybody check that and send me the right downloadlink. Thx Lars from Germany ......1. Installation...
So ein Mist. kein Login via ioBroker mehr möglich! Habe mir morgen schön die Temperatur aufs Handy geben lassen. Nun brauche ich wohl einen extra externen Sensor. Kann doch echt...
Great. Waited for a day an turned down polling to 600 (seems to be enogh). Everything is green again.
Stopped working with 600 polling after 18h.
Seems to work fine again...
I flashed recently 2 BK7231T E27 bulbs with openBeken. I set the Flag 30 (an others, i tried a lot). Iam able to change everything from ioBroker -> openBeken. But...