OasisLight-ServerManager copied to clipboard
A light weight java program for linux users that makes managing and monitoring servers (MC servers in particular) extremely easy.
OasisLight | Linux Server Manager
A light weight java program for linux users that makes managing and monitoring servers (MC servers in particular) extremely easy.
- The manager is open source and free to use for as many servers and as many players as you like
- No need to edit scripts or configurations the manager does everything for you using a simple console interface.
- Easy access for multiple admins by setting up SSH.
- Automatic restart option for any crashed servers. (Makes sure your servers stay online)
- Custom full backups of all your servers to a minimal compressed size.
- Scheduale periodic restarts, backups, announcements, or any console command for any server.
- A customizable monitor screen that displays all of your servers and their status in one place.
- A global control panel to restart, backup, and send a command to all servers with one command.
- Extremely light as it can run on as little as 5MB of RAM for medium sized networks.
- The manager can be used alongside a small server plugin to detect unresponsive states and to recieve player counts,ram usage etc.
Adding servers.
The Monitor showing servers linked to the SMMonitor spigot plugin.
Getting started
Starting the manager
After downloading the jar simply run it with a basic java command specifying the maximum ram if prefered.
java -Xmx5M -jar /.../.../OasisLight-ServerManager_1.2.1.jar
If the manager fails to start, Make sure you the following prerequisites installed:
- JPS (you can find here)
To check, simply type the command followed by --help
. If the command is not installed linux will provide you with the command to use to install it since all the prerequisites needed are native to most linux repositories.
Essential commands
Now that you started the manager you should keep these commands in mind which work in almost all of the manager menus
- help whenever you feel yourself lost on where you are or what commands do always type help.
- back You can always back out of any menu or any process so make sure to use it whenever stuck.
- clear Whenever you feel like the screen is filled with old output use clear to clear your screen and show you the current active menu.
quit you can quit the program from any place in the manager this is the equivelant of
ctrl + c
. Note: quiting the manager does not stop any servers. it simply stops all the services and schedualed commands the manager provides. - A helpful thing to keep in mind is that most long commands have a shortcut for using them (Ex.
can be accessed bytc
Adding your first server
- Make sure that the server is offline.
- Use the command
from the main menu. - type in the name you want to give for the server.
- type in the path to the server's jar file ex. /home/oasis/survival/spigot.jar
And you're all set you can open the server's control menu using open servername
from the main menu and start
the server from the control menu.
To open the server's console open a new terminal and type screen -x servername
An important thing to note is that the manager was initially made to be used linked to a monitoring plugin. Therefore i recommend linking all of your servers by following this guide.
The manager is fairly easy to understand and navigate. However, if you need explicit instructions on how to utilize all the features visit the wiki.
Supported platforms
- All linux distributions that have the 4 prerequisites installed.
- If you are having any issues in setting up the manager feel free to join the discord server and ask me directly.
- If you think there is a bug in the code open an issue on the issue page on github
- If you want to suggest improvements or request features to be added, preferrably open an issue with the tag [suggestion] in the title. or message me on discord.
If you found the manager useful and want to support its development consider donating or starring the repository. All is appreciated.