wrongsecrets copied to clipboard
Have a secret in .gitignore /.ssh
- [ ] Create a branch with added secret in .gitignore and a secret in .ssh
- [ ] Create the challenges for both where the secrets for both files are having their own separate challenge with encryption of the secrets to hide them from detection engines.
Is this issue open ?
Yes, @ArslanYM it is . Want to have a stab at it?
Yes please. Thanks
Welcome to the team @ArslanYM ! Please have a look at https://github.com/OWASP/wrongsecrets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md for how to implement a challenge and the required tests :) . Feel free to reach out via Slack if you have any questions!
Thanks @commjoen , Can you send me the slack link too.
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@commjoen This will sound like a dumb question but how do I add a secret in .ssh?
That does not sound like a dumb question at all! https://linuxize.com/post/using-the-ssh-config-file/?utm_content=cmp-true shows a nice example where the identity file mentioned would be the secret ;) .
Hello @ArslanYM do you have any progress on this :) ?
Hello @commjoen I will like to pick this one up I am new contributor
Please assign this to me
We will reassign this issue in case there is no response within a week :-)
ok thank you, I will be available
@divyanshuagarwal-23 can you please select an unassigned issue first ;-) ?
sure @commjoen
@commjoen Sorry for the delay. Il start working on this.
Greetings! Can I have updates regarding the state of this issue?
Hi @commjoen I have initiated a PR. Might need your help on how to implement the challenge though.
@za the issue is still assigned to @ArslanYM. Please don't do this. closing your MR.
oh OK, I thought it's idle and no one is getting it @commjoen
@ArslanYM are you making progress with this :) ? We are getting beyond the 3 months period listed in https://github.com/OWASP/wrongsecrets/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-get-your-pr-accepted .
@za it is idle now :) good sir, are you still interested in taking on this issue good sir?
Hi @commjoen I'll take this issue first before proceed with devcontainer #702