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Implement GraalVM support

Open commjoen opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

Now that we are on spring boot 3: it would be nice to test if we can already use GraalVM with our current set of libs: https://betterprogramming.pub/going-native-with-spring-boot-3-ga-4e8d91ab21d3

commjoen avatar Dec 05 '22 05:12 commjoen

Played with this for bit, Liberica native image kit does not support JDK19 yet. Need to wait for a bit. https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/native-image-kit/

bendehaan avatar Dec 05 '22 10:12 bendehaan

Hi @bendehaan do you have any update on this :) ?

commjoen avatar Oct 04 '23 04:10 commjoen

@commjoen still blocked for now due to Azure sdk

bendehaan avatar Oct 04 '23 17:10 bendehaan

GraalVM gives us some performance, but at the cost of a lot of upgrade issues. We will close this issue now.

commjoen avatar May 21 '24 08:05 commjoen