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Create improved documentation

Open commjoen opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Have something like https://madhuakula.com/kubernetes-goat/ but then for wrognsecrets and reorganize the docs and wiki here.

Raw notes: doxRS @madhuakula can start in same repo, lets see if we can include https://github.com/commjoen/wrongsecrets/tree/fix-container/src/main/resources/explanations automatically so we don't need to copy-paste.

commjoen avatar Aug 04 '22 08:08 commjoen

@commjoen I want to work on this issue. Please assign it to me. I'm really really looking forward to becoming a student of OWASP under your and @bendehaan mentorship this GSoC season!

Novice-expert avatar Feb 06 '23 20:02 Novice-expert

hi @Novice-expert , thank you for volunteering on this item! This issue is something that @madhuakula is steering, so before jumping in: best would be to check in at Slack on this.

commjoen avatar Feb 06 '23 21:02 commjoen

Thanks for responding @commjoen .

Could you please help me clear one of my confusion? Do you mean that I should go to OWASP SLACK and ask @madhuakula personally to assign this issue to me, obviously if he/she isn't working on it right now.

Novice-expert avatar Feb 06 '23 22:02 Novice-expert

Ah no, easiest is to DM me on slack, so we can check in together with @madhuakula to see what needs to happen, as we did have some planning sessions on this :) .

commjoen avatar Feb 06 '23 22:02 commjoen

Got it sir,give me a second!

Novice-expert avatar Feb 06 '23 22:02 Novice-expert

@commjoen I have done a DM to you on SLACK sir. More than excited and hoping to work on this issue, if possible!

Novice-expert avatar Feb 06 '23 22:02 Novice-expert

@madhuakula do you have any updates on this :) ?

commjoen avatar Oct 04 '23 04:10 commjoen