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Make sure we release a latest version of the jar file to mvn central during release

Open commjoen opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Make sure we release a latest version of the jar file during release and publish it at github so third party docker projects can easily integrate it, and automate it:

  • [ ] integrate with OSSRH
  • [ ] Add mvn release step to script
  • [ ] move automation towards github with the focus on auto-updating using mvn and then docker scripts, based on environment workflow (check with @nbaars his WebGoat/WebGoat implementation)

commjoen avatar Feb 02 '22 20:02 commjoen

We will use https://central.sonatype.org/publish/publish-guide/ to publish it.

commjoen avatar Feb 05 '22 06:02 commjoen

See https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/OSSRH-77889 for the ticket

commjoen avatar Feb 05 '22 06:02 commjoen

Trying to get it authorized... putting this back into "todo"

commjoen avatar Feb 06 '22 20:02 commjoen

open items: image

commjoen avatar Jul 04 '22 09:07 commjoen