SecureTea-Project copied to clipboard
In which folder is in sudo python
localhost:4200 is valid ,but it shows localhost:5000 not working
Hello @ZhenYaXu Web UI requires ServerApp running. To run ServerApp,
- Navigate to /ServerApp by using command cd ServerApp
- python3 to start ServerApp
- ServerApp runs on http://localhost:5000. This is the END-POINT for the GUI
- To check if ServerApp is running, run http://localhost:5000 in a Web Browser. A white/blank screen indicates proper working of ServerApp
The preffered web browser to use Web UI and test ServerApp is Google Chrome.
ng serve does not need to be done as root. ServerApp is preferably run as root
Follow the following steps to setup Web UI
- cd gui
- ng serve
- sudo python
- Visit http://localhost:4200 to view your project, END-POINT is http://localhost:5000.
- The EndPoint Secret is PASSWD by default.
Registering for Web UI
- Enter Name
- Enter Password
- ServerApp should be running. END-POINT is URL where ServerApp runs. By default this is http://localhost:5000`
- EndPoint Secret is PASSWD by default
As soon as registration is completed, the website redirects to the dashboard of SecureTea-GUI.
I had to also manually install pip install flask_socketio
and pip install flask_sqlalchemy
to install these, even after running pip install requirements.txt
:thinking: in the ServerApp
Hey @ZhenYaXu This python script is in /SecureTea-Project/securetea/lib/web_deface/
Please note that running this script alone will not do anything worthwhile to run the entire SecureTea-Project successfully.
If you follow the instructions in the documentation and ignore the line 3. sudo python you should eventually get a working web UI.
In future, if you are trying to locate specific files, you can use the find command (google online to see specific syntax).
I know that this is a bit late, but maybe other people will stumble upon this thread and find this helpful. I have successfully got the project working, thus feel free to send me a DM for specific questions and I should respond swiftly.