2021-OceanLotus-workshop copied to clipboard
Research Ocean Lotus
Research Ocean Lotus for the emulation plan
Each member research the Ocean Lotus group over this next week (09FEB-13FEB). Add comments and links to the favorite reports on this issue when it meets the following criteria.
Interesting, unique, group-specific techniques leveraged Quality vendor reputation if attributed - description of how attribution was made Clear analysis of malware and how it's used in the environment Operating systems targeted automated vs. manually entered commands
Review current stack of work
- Next meeting (13Feb21) be able to contribute to build a scenario based off research
Stretch Goal:
- What company to emulate
- Ocean Lotus infrastructure domain list
- Infrastructure systems we need in the environment
Initial Infection | November 2020 | https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/20/k/new-macos-backdoor-connected-to-oceanlotus-surfaces.html |
Steganography Usage | April 2019 | https://threatpost.com/oceanlotus-apt-uses-steganography-to-shroud-payloads/143373/ |
Windows - discusses how they change as IOCs are published | March 2019 | https://www.welivesecurity.com/2019/03/20/fake-or-fake-keeping-up-with-oceanlotus-decoys/ |
Awesome report with a list of tools | 2017 | https://www.cybereason.com/hubfs/Cybereason%20Labs%20Analysis%20Operation%20Cobalt%20Kitty-Part2.pdf |
Key Behaviors
- Self extracting archives to run code using misleading icons or unicode
- DLL side loading
- Fake timestamps -> concerted effort
- Targets English, 中文, and Cambodian
- Filenames randomly generated
- In-memory operations
- Automated clean up in decoy
- Large number of payloads used
Goal Discussion from 13FEB21 meeting - build out read me, define scope, continue research, submit public release for companies, and continue scenario. Approve of Cat's idea regarding human right activist company.
Stretch Goal
- [x] What company to emulate
- [x] Ocean Lotus infrastructure domain list - in report - https://www.volexity.com/blog/2017/11/06/oceanlotus-blossoms-mass-digital-surveillance-and-exploitation-of-asean-nations-the-media-human-rights-and-civil-society/
Still todo
- [ ] Infrastructure systems we need in the environment
Decided to emulate a human rights organization, which is in alignment with the victimology of Ocean Lotus.