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KEGG module completeness estimation is wrong
I have come across a problem in the way this package evaluates the completeness of KEGG pathway modules, given a number KOs, or something comparable. Specifically, this is referring to the function query_missingGenes_from_module.R, but might be present in some of the other KEGG-module related functions?
The issue arrises from how the functions splits modules into blocks, based on spaces:
block_defs <- strsplit(DEFINITION[index], split = " ")[[1]]
nBlocks <- length(block_defs)
This problem does not arise with every module, instead, it only occurs in more complicates modules which have "nested" blocks (for lack of a better word). For example, module 2 ( leads to this issue. The function in this package comes up with 6 blocks, (nBlocks), while there is only 5 blocks, as to my understanding of KEGG module definitions. This also matches the 5 blocks assumed in KEGGmapper. It must have something to do with the above chunk ignoring the presence of "(" or ")", ie when spaces occur WITHIN a block, instead of separating a block.
This problem should lead to a systematic underestimation of the completeness of pathways, when it inflates the number of blocks in a module. Adjusting the way the blocks are split to only split actual blocks (spaces outside of any "(" or ")"; something that can be done with regex I guess) should solve this issue.
Thanks for flagging. Unfortunately this package is no longer being actively maintained. Let me know if you'd be interested in contributing the fix to the package though!