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BatchSD not publishing to Google Sheets

Open BGoto808 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Describe the bug BatchSD does not publish with Dendrometer code with both LTE and Ethernet usage. Dendrometer uses dirty integrated sensor values added to the json using the add_data() function. Through testing, it's found that whether or not the dirty integrated sensor values are added (whether add_data() is left in or commented out), the data will not publish through Batch. Dendrometer uses LoRa batch_send() to send data to a hub that either has an Ethernet module or an LTE board.

Hardware in Use Dendrometer node

  • Feather M0 LoRa
  • HypnosV3.2
  • Neopixel
  • AS5311 (dirty integrated)
  • SHT31D


  • Feather M0 LoRa
  • 4G board OR Ethernet module with HypnosV3.3

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download Dendrometer node code and upload to dendrometer node, upload dendrometer hub code and upload to hub
  2. Let node cycle 5 times before it sends through Batch
  3. Watch serial monitor on hub side to see error messages with the getGoogleSheets(Feather).print_config() function

Expected behavior Data should successfully upload to Google Sheets

Code Node:

#include <Loom.h>
#include "AS5311.h"

// Include configuration
const char* json_config = 
#include "config.h"

// In Tools menu, set:
// Internet  > Disabled
// Sensors   > Enabled
// Radios    > Enabled
// Actuators > Enabled
// Max       > Disabled

using namespace Loom;

Loom::Manager Feather{};

#define CS 9 // A3
#define CLK A5
#define DO A4
#define LED A2

#define INT_BUT 11 // A1
#define RTC_INT_PIN 12

#define HYPNOS3 5
//#define HYPNOS5 6
//Global Variables
volatile bool flag = false;   // Interrupt flag
volatile bool button = false; // Check to see if button was pressed
uint32_t start = 0;
uint32_t prevTwoSig = 0;
float elapsed = 0;
float prev = 0;
float prevMicro = 0;
const int max_packets = 5; // Number of packets collected before sending through LoRa
int counter = 0;

void setup() 
  // Enable waiting for RTC interrupt, MUST use a pullup since signal is active low
  pinMode(HYPNOS3, OUTPUT);    // Enable control of 3.3V rail
  //pinMode(HYPNOS5, OUTPUT);   // Enable control of 5V rail
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize Hypnos
  digitalWrite(HYPNOS3, LOW); // Enable 3.3V rail
  //digitalWrite(HYPNOS5, HIGH);  // Enable 5V rail
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


  // Begin Communication with AS5311

  // LED pin set
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

  // Make sure the magnet is positioned correctly
  // Flash three times for verification
  getInterruptManager(Feather).register_ISR(RTC_INT_PIN, ISR_pin12, LOW, ISR_Type::IMMEDIATE);
  getInterruptManager(Feather).register_ISR(INT_BUT, ISR_pin11, LOW, ISR_Type::IMMEDIATE);
  // Starting measurement of AS5311

  // Save 2 most significant bits of start
  prevTwoSig = start & 0xC00;
  getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Turns off Neopixel

  LPrintln("\n ** Setup Complete ** ");

void loop() 
  // Initialize Hypnos
  digitalWrite(HYPNOS3, LOW); // Enable 3.3V rail
  //digitalWrite(HYPNOS5, HIGH);  // Enable 5V rail
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


  // Protocol to turn on AS5311
  pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DO, INPUT_PULLUP);
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(CLK, LOW);

  // Protocol to turn on Neopixel
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize magnet sensor  
  delay(2000); // Warmup AS5311 chip

  if (flag) {
    pinMode(23, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(24, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(10, OUTPUT);

  // Check to see if button was pressed for LED indicator

  //-------------------------------- DATA MANAGEMENT ----------------------------------------------
  int average = measure_average();
  uint32_t errorBits = getErrorBits(CLK, CS, DO);
  // Also updates prevTwoSig to two most significant bits of first param, is being passed by ref
  elapsed = computeElapsed(average, prevTwoSig, elapsed);

  // Computes total distance in mm and um
  float distance = (elapsed + ((2.0 * ((int)average - (int)start)) / 4095.0));
  float distanceMicro = (elapsed * 1000) + ((2000 * ((int)average - (int)start)) / 4095.0);
  float difference = 0;
  float differenceMicro = 0;

  // Reads the movement if any, else it sets the changed distance to 0
  if (distance != prev)
    difference = distance - prev;

  if (distanceMicro != prevMicro)
    differenceMicro = distanceMicro - prevMicro;

  Feather.add_data("AS5311", "Serial_Value", average);
  Feather.add_data("Displacement_mm", "mm", distance);
  Feather.add_data("Displacement_um", "um", distanceMicro);
  Feather.add_data("Difference_mm", "mm", difference);
  Feather.add_data("Difference_um", "um", differenceMicro);

  // Logs the status of the magnet position (whether the data is good or not) {Green = Good readings, Red = Bad readings}
  // Ignores the parity bit (last bit)
  if (errorBits >= 16 && errorBits <= 18)          // Error bits: 10000, 10001, 10010
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "Green");
  else if (errorBits == 19)                        // Error bits: 10011
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "Yellow");
  else if (errorBits == 23)                        // Error bits: 10111
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "Red");
  else if (errorBits < 16)                         // If OCF Bit is 0
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "OCF_Error");
  else if (errorBits > 24)                         // If COF Bit is 1
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "COF_Error");
    Feather.add_data("Status", "Color", "Other_Error");
  float temp, humid, SVP, VPD;

  float e = 2.71828;

  temp = Feather.get<Loom::SHT31D>()->get_temperature();
  humid = Feather.get<Loom::SHT31D>()->get_humid();
  SVP = (0.61078 * pow(e, (17.2694 * temp) / (temp + 237.3)));
  VPD = SVP * (1 - (humid / 100));

  //Feather.add_data("VPD", "VPD", VPD);

  float rssi = Feather.get<Loom::LoRa>()->get_signal_strength();
  //Feather.add_data("RSSI", "RSSI", rssi);

  prev = distance;
  prevMicro = distanceMicro;


  // Log SD in case it doesn't send

  // Send to address 0 after 10 data packets
  if (counter % max_packets == 0) {
    counter = 0;



  // Protocol to shut down AS5311
  pinMode(CLK, INPUT);
  pinMode(DO, INPUT);
  pinMode(CS, INPUT);

  // Protocol to shut off Neopixel
  pinMode(LED, INPUT); 

  // Protocol to turn off Hypnos
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  digitalWrite(HYPNOS3, HIGH);
  //digitalWrite(HYPNOS5, LOW); 

  // Protocol to shut down SD
  pinMode(23, INPUT);
  pinMode(24, INPUT);
  pinMode(10, INPUT);
  while (!flag);

//AS5311 functions
void init_AS(){
  // Protocol to turn on AS5311
  pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DO, INPUT_PULLUP);
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(CLK, LOW);

int measure_average(){
  int average = 0;
  for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
    average += getSerialPosition(CLK, CS, DO);
  average /= 16;
  return average;

// Takes 16 measurements and averages them for the starting Serial value (0-4095 value)
void serial_init_measure(){
  for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
    start += getSerialPosition(CLK, CS, DO);
  start /= 16; 

// Lights up LED is interrupt button is pressed
void verify_LED_button(){
  if (button)
    uint32_t ledCheck = getErrorBits(CLK, CS, DO);

    if (ledCheck >= 16 && ledCheck <= 18)
      getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 200, 0, 0); // Green
    else if (ledCheck == 19)
      getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 200, 200, 0); // Yellow
      getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 0, 200, 0); // Red

    getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  flag = false;
  button = false;

// Ensures that magnet starts in good position before continuing program
void verify_position(){
  uint32_t ledCheck = getErrorBits(CLK, CS, DO); // Tracking magnet position for indicator

  while (ledCheck < 16 || ledCheck > 18)
    if (ledCheck == 19)
      getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 200, 200, 0); // Changes Neopixel to yellow
      getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 0, 200, 0); // Changes Neopixel to red

    delay(3000); // Gives user 3 seconds to adjust magnet before next reading
    ledCheck = getErrorBits(CLK, CS, DO);

// Flashes green on Neopixel 3 times
void green_flash(){
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

    getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 200, 0, 0); // Changes Neopixel to green

    getNeopixel(Feather).set_color(2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Turns off Neopixel

// Interrupt Functions
void ISR_pin12()
  flag = true;

void ISR_pin11()
  flag = true;
  button = true;

Node (AS5311.h)

// Returns the serial output from AS533
uint32_t bitbang(int CLK, int CS, int DO) {
  // write clock high to select the angular position data
  digitalWrite(CLK, HIGH);
  // select the chip
  digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
  digitalWrite(CLK, LOW);
  // read the value in it's entirety
  uint32_t value = 0;
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
    digitalWrite(CLK, HIGH);

    if (i < 17) {
      digitalWrite(CLK, LOW);

    auto readval = digitalRead(DO);
    if (readval == HIGH)
      value |= (1U << i);
  digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(CLK, HIGH);
  return value;

// Isolates the bottom 12 bits position value to decimal
uint32_t convertBits(uint32_t num) {
      uint32_t readval = num & 0xFFF;
      uint32_t newval = 0;
    // Flips bits order
      for (int i = 11; i >= 0; i--)
        uint32_t exists = (readval & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0;
        newval |= (exists << (11 - i));
      return newval;

uint32_t getSerialPosition(int CLK, int CS, int DO){
  return convertBits(bitbang(CLK, CS, DO));

// Checks error bits
uint32_t bitCheck(uint32_t num) {
      uint32_t readval = num & 0x3FFFF; // Saves entire value; not sure if there's a better way to do this
      uint32_t newval = 0;
    // Flips bits order
      for (int i = 16; i >= 12; i--)
        uint32_t exists = (readval & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0;
        newval |= (exists << (16 - i));
      return newval;

uint32_t getErrorBits(int CLK, int CS, int DO){
  return bitCheck(bitbang(CLK, CS, DO));

// Todo: Make more robust than just checking first two bits
float computeElapsed(uint32_t curr, uint32_t &prevTwoSig, float elapsed) {
  uint32_t currTwoSig = curr & 0xC00;
  if((currTwoSig == 0xC00 && prevTwoSig == 0x0)) {
    Serial.println("ROLLOVER UNDERFLOW");
    elapsed -= 2.0;
  } else if (prevTwoSig == 0xC00 && currTwoSig == 0x0) {
    Serial.println("ROLLOVER OVERFLOW");
    elapsed += 2.0;
  prevTwoSig = currTwoSig;
  return elapsed;

Hub (LTE)

#include <Loom.h>

// Include configuration
const char* json_config =
#include "config.h"

// In Tools menu, set:
// Internet  > LTE
// Sensors   > Enabled
// Radios    > Enabled
// Actuators > Disabled
// Max       > Disabled

using namespace Loom;

Loom::Manager Feather{};

void setup() {
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(5, LOW); // Sets pin 5, the pin with the 3.3V rail, to output and enables the rail
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // Sets pin 6, the pin with the 5V rail, to output and enables the rail


  LPrintln("\n ** Setup Complete ** ");

void loop() {
  //if (getLoRa(Feather).receive_blocking(5000)) {
  if (getLoRa(Feather).receive_batch_blocking(5000)) {

Hub (Ethernet)


// This is the simplest example of logging data to Google Sheets

// The only difference between this example an 'Basic' is the LoomFactory
// settings, the line:
//		Feather.GoogleSheets().publish();
// and the configuration, enabling logging to Google Sheets.

// In the config, you need:
// - MAC address for the Ethernet module (you could also replace Ethenet with WiFi)
//		You can use 'default' instead of a parameter list for Ethernet if you
//		are not on a network that restricts to only registered MAC addresses
// - For Google sheets parameters, see:
//   https://github.com/OPEnSLab-OSU/Loom/wiki/Using-Loom-with-Google-Sheets


#include <Loom.h>

// Include configuration
const char* json_config =
#include "config.h"

// In Tools menu, set:
// Internet  > Ethernet
// Sensors   > Enabled
// Radios    > Disabled
// Actuators > Disabled
// Max       > Disabled

using namespace Loom;

Loom::Manager Feather{};

void setup()
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(5, LOW); // Sets pin 5, the pin with the 3.3V rail, to output and enables the rail
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(6, HIGH); // Sets pin 6, the pin with the 5V rail, to output and enables the rail

	LPrintln("\n ** Setup Complete ** ");

void loop()
  if (getLoRa(Feather).receive_batch_blocking(5000)) {
  //if (getLoRa(Feather).receive_blocking(5000)) {

Config Node

      'params':[10, false, true]\

Hub (LTE)

/*true to autoname tab*/				true,\
/*not used if previous param is true*/	'testTab'\

Hub (Ethernet)

/*true to autoname tab*/        true,\
/*not used if previous param is true*/  'testTab'\

Additional context LTE Error Message: Note: Whenever I get this LTE issue, I need to reupload the code back to the hub. FeatherFault will prevent it from booting up normally after getting this message. lteError

Ethernet Error Messages: ethernet-Error


BGoto808 avatar Oct 26 '21 17:10 BGoto808