DocumentServer copied to clipboard
callCommand (func, isClose, isCalc), "isCalc=false" cause excel to save fail
If callCommand (func, false, false), "isCalc=false" it cause excel to save fail.
Please help me, thanks.
Hi, we need more details, your description is very short
We definitely need OS, installation type, DMS type (your own or Nextcloud, Owncloud)
And I think there is some errors in logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver
Usual reason for such behavior - documentserver has no connectivity to DMS and cannot store file
Onlyoffice runs on my own machine. I looked for logs in /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver, there's no useful log.
When i set isCalc=true, it works normally, but set "isCalc=false", it save fail. "isCalc=true" cause plugin.init trigger multiple times, i need isCalc=false.
Thanks @ShockwaveNN .
Could you clarify product version and installation method
And I think I was wrong about DMS - I didn't read your question correctly, sorry, seems this may be just a bug in plugin code
But we need a product version still
Onlyoffice's verison: 7.0, I install it on centos, not docker mode.
@askonev Please take a look at this issue
My plugin 's usage is listening cell changes to checking the content.
When exec callCommand(func, false, true), cell always recalculate, so I set callCommand(func, false, false), but it cann't save correct.
Please help me, thanks. @askonev
@askonev Please take a look for my question, thanks.
@sunshine001 Please stop spamming, we'll help as soon as we got the free time. If you want priority support with specific time frame for answering questions - use [email protected] if you got paying license
@sunshine001 HI! Thank you for your patience! This script turned out to be a bug, so I've created a Bug 56047 on our private repository.
@sunshine001 bug fixed on version 7.2. Please note that this version has not yet been released
DocumentServer v7.2 is released. This issue should be fixed
Feel free to comment or reopen it if you got further questions