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Elasticsearch can not Modify Limit

Open wuast94 opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

Ím trying to start an Docker Instanz as described in Doku. After Getting Struggle With the internal MySQL Instanz i started an external one and That worked Fine :)

No i getting this error With elasticsearch:

* Starting Elasticsearch Server
/etc/init.d/elasticsearch: line 118: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
sysctl: setting key "vm.max_map_count": Read-only file system
+ service god restart
Restarting god... The server is not available (or you do not have permissions to access it)
+ '[' SERVER == SERVER ']'
+ mv /app/onlyoffice/config/nginx/prepare-onlyoffice /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/onlyoffice
+ service nginx reload
* Reloading nginx nginx
+ log_debug 'reload nginx config'
+ echo 'onlyoffice: [Debug] reload nginx config'
onlyoffice: [Debug] reload nginx config
onlyoffice: [Debug] FINISH
+ log_debug FINISH
+ echo 'onlyoffice: [Debug] FINISH'
++ ps auxf
++ grep -v grep
++ awk '{print $2}'
++ grep cron
+ PID=

+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ cron
+ '[' true == true ']'
+ exec tail -f /dev/null

Would make an external instance there too gut this is Not possible out of the box

Anyone Know Howe i can fix this?

wuast94 avatar Oct 06 '20 06:10 wuast94

Hello @wuast94 You have any problem with search on portal? Please describe how you run Onlyoffice? Also please check elasticsearch and svcIndex.log for the errors?

Carazyda avatar Oct 06 '20 08:10 Carazyda

Elasticsearch logs:

[2020-10-06T09:59:56,328][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [V5wVGUN] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/var/www/onlyoffice/Data (shfs)]], net usable_space [544.4gb], net total_space [931gb], types [fuse.shfs]
[2020-10-06T09:59:56,330][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment    ] [V5wVGUN] heap size [989.8mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
[2020-10-06T09:59:56,332][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] node name derived from node ID [V5wVGUNPRaWb8HDKhhJciQ]; set [] to override
[2020-10-06T09:59:56,333][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] version[6.5.0], pid[823], build[default/deb/816e6f6/2018-11-09T18:58:36.352602Z], OS[Linux/4.19.107-Unraid/amd64], JVM[Private Build/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/1.8.0_252/25.252-b09]
[2020-10-06T09:59:56,333][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] JVM arguments [-Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75, -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true,, -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/elasticsearch, -XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/elasticsearch/hs_err_pid%p.log, -XX:+PrintGCDetails, -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps, -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution, -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime, -Xloggc:/var/log/elasticsearch/gc.log, -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation, -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=32, -XX:GCLogFileSize=64m, -Des.path.home=/usr/share/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/etc/elasticsearch, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=deb]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,558][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,558][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [analysis-common]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [ingest-common]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [lang-expression]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [lang-mustache]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [lang-painless]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [mapper-extras]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [parent-join]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [percolator]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [rank-eval]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [reindex]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [repository-url]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,559][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [transport-netty4]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [tribe]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-ccr]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-core]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-deprecation]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-graph]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-logstash]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-ml]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-monitoring]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-rollup]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-security]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,560][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-sql]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,561][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-upgrade]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,561][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded module [x-pack-watcher]
[2020-10-06T09:59:57,561][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService     ] [V5wVGUN] loaded plugin [ingest-attachment]
[2020-10-06T09:59:59,967][INFO ][o.e.x.s.a.s.FileRolesStore] [V5wVGUN] parsed [0] roles from file [/etc/elasticsearch/roles.yml]
[2020-10-06T10:00:00,320][INFO ][o.e.x.m.j.p.l.CppLogMessageHandler] [V5wVGUN] [controller/878] [] controller (64 bit): Version 6.5.0 (Build 71882a589e5556) Copyright (c) 2018 Elasticsearch BV
[2020-10-06T10:00:00,612][DEBUG][o.e.a.ActionModule       ] [V5wVGUN] Using REST wrapper from plugin
[2020-10-06T10:00:00,772][WARN ][o.e.x.s.t.n.SecurityNetty4HttpServerTransport] [V5wVGUN] maxContentLength[2gb] set to high value, resetting it to [100mb]
[2020-10-06T10:00:00,777][INFO ][o.e.d.DiscoveryModule    ] [V5wVGUN] using discovery type [zen] and host providers [settings]
[2020-10-06T10:00:01,309][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] initialized
[2020-10-06T10:00:01,309][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] starting ...
[2020-10-06T10:00:01,477][INFO ][o.e.t.TransportService   ] [V5wVGUN] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
[2020-10-06T10:00:01,590][WARN ][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks    ] [V5wVGUN] max file descriptors [40960] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536]
[2020-10-06T10:00:01,590][WARN ][o.e.b.BootstrapChecks    ] [V5wVGUN] max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,647][INFO ][o.e.c.s.MasterService    ] [V5wVGUN] zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined), reason: new_master {V5wVGUN}{V5wVGUNPRaWb8HDKhhJciQ}{PxdvuEnSTpG2Ms2lDy5moA}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=33726869504, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true}
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,649][INFO ][o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [V5wVGUN] new_master {V5wVGUN}{V5wVGUNPRaWb8HDKhhJciQ}{PxdvuEnSTpG2Ms2lDy5moA}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=33726869504, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true}, reason: apply cluster state (from master [master {V5wVGUN}{V5wVGUNPRaWb8HDKhhJciQ}{PxdvuEnSTpG2Ms2lDy5moA}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=33726869504, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true} committed version [1] source [zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)]])
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,659][INFO ][o.e.x.s.t.n.SecurityNetty4HttpServerTransport] [V5wVGUN] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {}
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,660][INFO ][o.e.n.Node               ] [V5wVGUN] started
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,836][WARN ][o.e.x.s.a.s.m.NativeRoleMappingStore] [V5wVGUN] Failed to clear cache for realms [[]]
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,910][INFO ][o.e.l.LicenseService     ] [V5wVGUN] license [52b48762-19d2-4493-8221-0e4d435e3a5e] mode [basic] - valid
[2020-10-06T10:00:04,919][INFO ][o.e.g.GatewayService     ] [V5wVGUN] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state

and the log from svcIndex.log:

I created the Onlyoffice Docker container new, and i didnt get it to run becouse of the error above.

when i go to the weburl i get this:


wuast94 avatar Oct 06 '20 10:10 wuast94

This Runtime Error means communityserver can't connect to mysql server. It can happens if you run only container with communityserver on ipv6. Please use our script for installation.

Carazyda avatar Oct 06 '20 11:10 Carazyda

when i look into the DB i see that OnlyOffice can connect to the DB and crated a lo of Tables:


wuast94 avatar Oct 06 '20 11:10 wuast94

Ok, please describe how you run communityserver and how connect to mysql? And please check web.log for the errors?

Carazyda avatar Oct 06 '20 15:10 Carazyda


Command that start the Container: docker run -d --name='OnlyOffice-Community-Server' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'MYSQL_SERVER_HOST'='' -e 'MYSQL_SERVER_PORT'='3309' -e 'MYSQL_SERVER_DB_NAME'='Only' -e 'MYSQL_SERVER_USER'='test' -e 'MYSQL_SERVER_PASS'='test' -p '8011:80/tcp' -p '4431:443/tcp' -p '5222:5222/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/onlyofficecs/logs':'/var/log/onlyoffice':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/onlyofficecs/Data':'/var/www/onlyoffice/Data':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/onlyofficecs/database':'/var/lib/mysql':'rw' 'onlyoffice/communityserver'

wuast94 avatar Oct 06 '20 16:10 wuast94

But errors still saying that you have a problem with mysql connection Table 'Only.res_data' doesn't exist. What a server do you use for DB? MySQL, MariaDB or some other?

If you use a external mysql server - you don't need to mount database folder.

Carazyda avatar Oct 08 '20 12:10 Carazyda

I use latest Maria dB. And year I see the MySQL errors but don't understand why? He is creating tables and so on. The first try was with built in dB and there was a SQL error too but in an earlyer stage

And yes the mount is from the try with internal dB..need to delete this mapping when I get the container up and running

wuast94 avatar Oct 08 '20 12:10 wuast94

Please try a new 11.0 version, maybe it resolve your problem. If not - try run sql script /var/www/onlyoffice/Sql/onlyoffice.resources.sql manually.

Carazyda avatar Oct 26 '20 13:10 Carazyda