ONELua Team
ONELua Team
The problem is that not all devs upload their updates in a standard way, missings tags for your versión others use bitbucket, etc.
Hi Your DLC´s are encrypted? With all the games ??
We need change to DolceSDK Im working
do you install plugin for sd2vita??? Are you on the latest version of Onemenu? Also, whats the fw version of your PS Vita?
in the explorer files show uma0 ??
please send me screenshot the error that shows you... and screenshot of your file explorer (uma0)
What is the button you press ?
The settled speed does not shows at recovery, only at vsh menu, talking to Lman about this issue. Thanks
Can you show me the error And it happens with all the games or any special game?
what plugins are you using in ur0: tai/config.txt and pspsemu/seplugins/game.txt