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Convention for patients "still in hospital"
Convention for patients "still in hospital"
CDM or THEMIS convention?
Table or Field level?
Is this a general convention?
Summary of issues
- If patients are still in the hospital at the time of the ETL build, set the visit_end_date to the date of the data extract and set the discharge_to_concept_id to 32220.
Summary of answer
Author 1:
- We updated the
visit_occurrence.end_date, visit_occurrence.end_datetime, visit_detail.visit_detail_end_date, and visit_detail.visit_detail_end_datetime
User Guide sections to direct users to set the visit_end_datetime to the date of the data extract when an inpatient visit is ongoing and the *.discharged_to_concept_id = 0. - We updated the
ETL Conventions sections to notify users it is assumed a Person returns home after a Visit, therefore, there is not a standard concept_id to represent 'home' and set the discharged_to_concept_id = 0
Author 2
We should update this user guidance, as some things have changed.
Concept 32220 - Still Patient is non-standard, and the advice in the user guide for visit_end_date is to add this as the visit_type_concept_id, not discharge_concept_id.
For Inpatient Visits ongoing at the date of ETL, put date of processing the data into visit_end_datetime and visit_type_concept_id with 32220 “Still patient” to identify the visit as incomplete.
This is now conflicting with our conventions for type concepts to be standard and of class 'Type Concept'.
Author 3:
- THEMIS issue and still needs consensus on how patients till in the hospital should be handled.
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