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Both lab result and lab result range have preceding operators
In Measurement you have to assume the operator concept id refers to an operator for the value as string, e.g. <60. But, in my EMR data, there are also a number of ranges that have a preceding operator followed by a number, e.g. <=100. Documentation should be explicit that operator concept refers to the lab result. Does Measurement need another column for range operator?
Not sure I follow. The upper range always means that a normal value should be <=. The lower one means >=. Where is the problem?
You have point if the range is <= 100 then range low would be NULL or maybe default to zero and range high would be 100, no need for an operator. What if range low is 60 and range high is NULL, will it be understood to mean >=60? (not worried about whether is ">" or ">=")
Hm. The lower range should always mean the normal value is > that limit. If they give you an explicit < it really makes no sense. Let's say the normal range of weight is 40-90 kg. What does lower range <40 kg mean? It's normal to be below 40 kg? What is the use of the upper range then?
If one of the ranges is missing you are right. It is not defined and can assume any value. So, anybody above 40 kg would be considered normal.