CohortDiagnostics copied to clipboard
CohortDiagnostics - R Shiny app does not generate any results when generate table is selected under cohort characterization
After launching the R shiny app using launchDiagnosticsExplorer, when I click on the generate table from the cohort characterization tab, I am seeing the following error
Warning: Error in rJava::.jcall: RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
166: rJava::.jcall
165: supportsJava8
164: SqlRender::render
163: renderTranslateQuerySql [R/ResultRetrieval.R#11]
162: getResultsTemporalTimeRef [R/ResultRetrieval.R#1192]
161: getCharacterizationOutput [R/ResultRetrieval.R#215]
Can you please help in resolving this issue. Thanks.
I'm wondering if this is a data model problem. Did you run in to any issues when generating either the results schema or the results themselves?
I didn't see any errors while generating the results. I could see the counts in the Cohort Counts section.
Does this issue persist if you update to the latest verion of cohort diagnostics/OhdsiShinyModules:
# RESTART R session here!
Hi @azimov, I have the latest versions of both packages and there were no errors when executing CohortDiagnostics. I still have the same issue as reported here. @ssivarama, could you please share whether you solved the issue?
@carmenOT are you using an sqlite database or postgres to host your results? This might be an issue with an underlying library but its hard to tell from this error message
It's Postgres (Redshift), I am using the Diagnostics Explorer with the following functions:
createMergedResultsFile("C:/temp/allZipFiles", sqliteDbPath = "MyCohortDiagnosticsResulst.sqlite")
launchDiagnosticsExplorer(sqliteDbPath = "MyCohortDiagnosticsResulst.sqlite")
Do you think I should use something different? @azimov
@carmenOT this is difficult to diagnose.
The output of this tab has been changed significantly in the development release of our shiny package
remotes::install_github("ohdsi/ohdsiShinyModules", ref="develop")
May help (or at least produce a different error)
Hi @azimov, I have the same error too, after reinstalling the latest and developer version of both packages.
Here's a more detailed error message if that helps:
launchDiagnosticsExplorer(sqliteDbPath = normalizePath('cohortdiagnostics_marketscan/MyResults.sqlite', winslash = "/", mustWork = NA)) # the sqlite file should be in the data folder if running on Rstudio
Loading required package: shiny
Connecting using SQLite driver
Listening on
Warning: Navigation containers expect a collection of `bslib::nav()`/`shiny::tabPanel()`s and/or `bslib::nav_menu()`/`shiny::navbarMenu()`s. Consider using `header` or `footer` if you wish to place content above (or below) every panel's contents.
Warning: Error in rJava::.jcall: RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
165: eval_tidy
164: tibble_quos
163: dplyr::tibble
162: tidyr::replace_na
160: <reactive>
144: getPrettyCharacterizationData
143: eventReactiveValueFunc
99: cohortCharacterizationPrettyTable
98: ::
97: func
84: renderFunc
83: output$DiagnosticsExplorer-characterization-characterizationTable
2: shiny::runApp
1: launchDiagnosticsExplorer
<pool> Failed to activate and/or validate existing object.
<pool> Trying again with a new object.
Connecting using SQLite driver
Warning: Error in rJava::.jcall: RcallMethod: cannot determine object class
146: <Anonymous>
145: stop
144: getPrettyCharacterizationData
143: eventReactiveValueFunc
99: cohortCharacterizationPrettyTable
98: ::
97: func
84: renderFunc
83: output$DiagnosticsExplorer-characterization-characterizationTable
2: shiny::runApp
1: launchDiagnosticsExplorer
@azimov Apologies for the delayed response. I initially had CohortDiagnostics 3.1.2 when I initially posted the issue. Based on your comments, I updated it to 3.2.3 but still the issue persists. The OMOP CDM data is on AWS Redshift. I am seeing the same error as posted by @lluo0 after installing the developer version.