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The Athena vocabulary bundle does not include the pack_content table
The bundling process seems to ignore the pack_content table. Please include this table.
@dimshitc and @aostropolets - while I created this issue, it is probably rather something that you would like to comment on. As this is not yet a standard table in the CDM, it does not make a lot of sense to deliver and package it through Athena. I understand the CDM workgroup would yet have to add it to the roll-in queue?
Hi @mik-ohdsi,
It was I who initiated the issue. The thing is the PACK_CONTENT table is a strict addition to the DRUG_STRENGTH table. This is how it's done in Pallas. If you want to look up the dosages of the drug packs, the DRUG_STRENGTH will give you nothing. You would need to make an additional step through the PACK_CONTENT.
We know that the conventions around the drug dosage handling are still vague. But if users want to map drug packs with the respective dosages properly, this table is essential. At the same time the fact that nobody asked before means that nobody mapped so precisely before. Even here we didn't dive so deeply to cover the packs or even combined medications.
Hi @Alexdavv , but you agree that we first need to introduce this table into the CDM before it can make sense to deliver it through Athena, right?
Well, we can add it to Athena first. and people start asking what this table means, and then we can modify the CDM scripts. If we add to Athena without modifying the DDL, the existing COPY command will just ignore it, and afterwards, we'll modify the CDM, so the pack_content table will be not null afterwards
I suggest to mention the existence of the PACK_CONTENT table somewhere in the documentation.