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Hi, i'd like to know how to use Ogre to create a project just like FacialAnimation( in the Samples). But i can only find it in Ogre1 which run into an error(failed to create Direct3D11 device in D3D11RenderSystem...), So i 'm here , and find a FacalAnimation in v2-0 which can't find a prebuild sdk in the website. So, does the v2-1 or v2-2 have the Sample (FacialAnimation)?,I would like to know how to solve it, Any help here would be much appreciated!!
Look it up under "Morph Animations"
You can check it out in the binary samples.
Use Ogre 2.2 or newer (i.e. master branch aka 2.3)
Make sure our implementation's limitations suites your needs; as it has been contributed relatively recently and it may be a bit rough around the edges.
Hi, thanks a lot for answering! @darksylinc
And i'd like to know samples about the "facial.mesh", Ogre 2.0.
I would like to know how to use blendshapes to control expressions. In Ogre 1.x , i just run into an error(failed to create Direct3D11 device in D3D11RenderSystem../ create device ID3D11DeviceN* device = NULL; HRESULT hr = D3D11CreateDeviceN(pAdapter, driverType, NULL, deviceFlags, pFirstFL, pLastFL - pFirstFL + 1, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &device, pFeatureLevel,
In Ogre 2.0 ,i can't compile it .