ogitor copied to clipboard
CMake Error
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:71 (find_package): Could not find a configuration file for package "OGRE" that is compatible with requested version "1.12". The following configuration files were considered but not accepted: E:/3D/ogre-sdk-1.12.5-vc15-x64/CMake/OGREConfig.cmake, version: 1.12.5 (64bit)
you cannot use the precompiled ogre SDK to build ogitor. You have to build ogre yourself with OGRE_NODELESS_POSITIONING=ON and Qt. Also the you have to use the master version of ogre (to be the 1.12.6 release)
the SDK at master now includes OgreBitesQt (built with Qt 5.12)
CMake Error Could NOT find Boost (missing: filesystem thread) (found version "1.74.0")
I want build by ogre2.1,but no find OGREConfig.cmake. super ogre2.1 ?
as mentioned you must use ogre 1.12.x series