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Service Reference vs Connected Service. UserID Password missing
With a Service Reference, it correctly requests a user id and password. With Connected Service I cannot see how to achieve the same result - being prompted for, or fields for storing the user id and password.
Any ideas on how to achieve this now that Service Reference for OData no longer works in VS2017?
Thx, Darrell
p.s. same issue with Connected Service in VS2015.
same problem (((
I had to set my service authentication to anonymous temporarily to get this to work.
Same here.
In my case I don't own the OData Service and can't disable the OpenID Connect Authentication so I'm BLOCKED and can't use this capability at all. I find more and more that commercial web accessible OData Service Endpoints are incorporating OAuth/OpenID Connect Authentication layers and that currently runs against the grain with just about every tool I personally know of where access to the OData Service Endpoint is required in order to generate Typed OData Client proxy.
For those interested in OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 Authentication layered a top OData server endpoint I have forked the code and am working to add support for Client Credentials Grant and Authorization Code Grant workflows.
a work-around for some may be to set up an IIS website, save and copy the $metadata.xml file to it, and put this in the web config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mimeMap fileExtension="." mimeType="text/xml" />
and then use something like this in the proxy class generator: http://localhost:654/$metadata
This worked for a Navision web service that requires basic authentication.
Or you can try Unchase OData ConnectedService with login and password network credentials for endpoint (including web proxy credentials).
you know i did end up using unchase, was the only tool that actually worked, Microsoft SMH
edit: I still had to download the metadata file and point unchase at it, but its main function actually works and you can choose a file, making it the first usable tool i've found.
@fartwhif, thanks for your feedback. You can offer your wishes for improving the Unchase OData Connected Service at the following link.