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scaffolder not shown in VS2015 Update3
I cannot see the v4 scafolder in VS2015 Update3.
Same for me
Same for me ... did any one find a solution ? Thank you.
No I haven't found any solution and I had to code my odata V4 controller myself without scaffolding.
ok @jmseigneur thank you for replaying, good luck
if found a solution ... but i dont know if its gonna a work for you or not! :
- install Microsoft.AspNet.OData => install the v5.5.1 not the v6.0.0,
- install Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.odata,
- In WebApiConfig use config for OData V4 and not for OData v3, the same for the Usings System.web.OData not System.web.Http.Odata.
By doing this i was ebale to use OData V4 FEATURES, like Nested $filter in $expand [.../Customers?$expand=Orders($filter=Id eq 10)]. and ohter V4 operations ...
Thanks for your solution screenshots!
Thank you @McMounir! It looks like the downgrade from v6+ was the critical move here. I went from 6.0.0 to 5.9.1 and it worked.
+1 - also have this issue. Thanks @McMounir for the workaround! Also went from 6.0.0 down to 5.9.1 using nuget package manager, and was successful.
The workaround is helpful, but does MS plan to make corrections so it isn't necessary to downgrade?
Downgraded here to 5.10.0 version and also worked!