ocb icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ocb copied to clipboard

ocb (OCaml Badgen) is an OCaml library for SVG badge generation. There's also a command-line tool provided.


ocb (OCaml Badgen) is an OCaml library for SVG badge generation. There's also a command-line tool provided.

Quick start

Using the command-line tool

ocb --label Hello --color green --style flat --labelcolor white --status Goodbye > out.svg && xdg-open out.svg

Gives the following result: cli example.

Using the library

let () =
  let open Ocb in
  Gen.mk Format.std_formatter ~label:"Hello" ~color:Color.Blue ~style:Style.Flat ~label_color:Color.White ~status:"Goodbye" ()


This project is inspired by badgen.