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Support for JOSE (JSON Signature and Encryption) Standards

Open cyberphone opened this issue 7 years ago • 47 comments

I'm not currently a user of OpenAPI but a follower of standards initiatives like OpenBanking/FAPI where members claim that OpenAPI currently does not support JOSE (JSON Signature and Encryption) standards forcing them to use various workarounds.

I wonder if there is anybody out there with knowledge of the OpenAPI platform who could be interested in working with me to integrate the missing support?

There are also enhanced versions of JOSE JWS and JWE in the workings (through the IETF), providing Clear Text support which should be a nice fit for information centric systems, here illustrated by a minute JWS-CT sample:

     "@context": "",
     "amount": "255.00",
     "currency": "USD",
     "signature": {
         "alg": "ES256",
         "jwk": {
             "kty": "EC",
             "crv": "P-256",
             "x": "PxlJQu9Q6dOvM4LKoZUh2XIe9-pdcLkvKfBfQk11Sb0",
             "y": "6IDquxrbdq5ABe4-HQ78_dhM6eEBUbvDtdqK31YfRP8"
         "val": "RSLmFihg8QmXxM .... N0lGIdSEYvMMLTL8hEaYV9kW6A"

cyberphone avatar Jan 25 '18 16:01 cyberphone

There was an earlier discussion touching on this here:

MikeRalphson avatar Jan 25 '18 16:01 MikeRalphson

We are looking at a proposal to the OpenAPI foundation for this exact issue. The idea is to describe in the OpenAPI Specification all the information needed at the consumer side to either create encrypted/signed contents or validate such contents. It should also be descriptive enough that the generation of the JOSE contents can be automated.

Our approach is trust no one. So while you could decrypt and validate contents from the contents of the message you receive, you must have the information of what was the contract in order to validate properly. In other words, you could receive contents which have been tempered with via a MITM attack and are perfectly valid in terms of structure, but not corresponding at all with it should have been.

Clear Text support as described above is very much inline with our thinking.

So yes happy to work with the foundation and Anders on this via FAPI.

isamauny avatar Jan 26 '18 13:01 isamauny

Would it be possible getting a "second opinion" on an issue where the conveners currently are somewhat divided?

Current (draft) proposal:   {       "app-specific-property-1": ...,       "app-specific-property-2": ...,

      "__cleartext_signature": {            Signature Object (Cleartext JWS)       }   }

Main benefit/argument: By using a fixed name interoperability is easier to achieve. This may be a requirement for pulling through the IETF process. The unusual name eliminates clashes with applications.

  Alternative solution:   {       "app-specific-property-1": ...,       "app-specific-property-2": ...,

      "app-specific-property-n": {            Signature Object (Cleartext JWS)       }   }

Main benefit/argument: Schema-driven designs do not generally benefit by "hard coded" properties. A signature property could equally well be expressed as "attestation", "authorization", "requestSignature", etc. depending on the application context.

cyberphone avatar Feb 03 '18 08:02 cyberphone

@isamauny @MikeRalphson @timburks @danhorst @elazar Should I interpret the silence that a hard coded __cleartext_signature property as in the current draft is your preference, rather than a Signature Object which can be featured under an application specific name?

This is to be decided now, which is why there is of some urgency getting your input!

Thanx, Anders

cyberphone avatar Feb 09 '18 07:02 cyberphone

@cyberphone could you link to the current draft?

MikeRalphson avatar Feb 09 '18 07:02 MikeRalphson

3.  The __cleartext_signature Member

   The "__cleartext_signature" member that is added to the data contains
   the JWS header parameters and the signature value.

   When putting the header parameters into the data to be signed, they
   MUST be labeled with the key "__cleartext_signature", i.e., the
   object to be signed cannot have its own root item that is named

cyberphone avatar Feb 09 '18 09:02 cyberphone

Pardon me, the link above apparently expires after a while...

cyberphone avatar Feb 09 '18 17:02 cyberphone

@cyberphone As I understand it, this issue is related to a reserved property name within an object that is a JWT. As such, I don't think either option you describe would have any impact OpenAPI descriptions. If the structure of the JWT token were to be described in an OpenAPI description, then we would likely use JSON schema which could describe both approaches.

darrelmiller avatar Feb 09 '18 18:02 darrelmiller

@darrelmiller The new scheme is called Cleartext JWS and is not a JWT but that doesn't really matter; the question I have is more related to how "hard coded" properties fit the needs and habits of the OpenAPI development community in general.

My take on this is regarding a Cleartext JWS as a Derived Data Type, like dateTime. At least this is how I use it in my own designs. I indeed started with a fixed property but later found out that this was unnecessary and could equally well be addressed by having a suitable "default" at the API level.

However, in the actual draft a default does not make sense since it describes a data structure, not an API.

cyberphone avatar Feb 10 '18 06:02 cyberphone

@darrelmiller After reading your blog, I came up with a highly related question:: How do "restafarians" envision signed REST requests and particularly in an OpenAPI context?

cyberphone avatar Feb 10 '18 14:02 cyberphone

A free-standing Signature Object can also be used for signing JSON arrays:

["Hi there!",2003,{
  "alg": "ES256",
  "jwk": {
    "kty": "EC",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "x": "censDzcMEkgiePz6DXB7cDuwFemshAFR90UNVQFCg8Q",
    "y": "xq8rze6ewG0-eVcSF72J77gKiD0IHnzpwHaU7t6nVeY"
  "val": "gOIohCbkhQOftFjqHgqRuRG1qqROSzwTiW8C7FUAQzojtqtpVoOz7BOYYNRQ7e09EfDlejz7jHumAvlAlQ6txw"

cyberphone avatar Feb 11 '18 06:02 cyberphone

Hi there,

I'm Philippe Leothaud a colleague of @isamauny at 42Crunch, and I'm working atm on a proposal to explore how we could extend OAS so that it can describe JOSE-signed and JOSE-encrypted content.

With "regular" Jose artefacts, it happens that signed and/or encrypted content have a specific content-type, namely : - the "application/jose" media type which can be used to indicate that the content is a JWS or JWE using the JWS Compact Serialization or the JWE Compact Serialization. - the "application/jose+json" media type which can be used to indicate that the content is a JWS or JWE using the JWS JSON Serialization or the JWE JSON Serialization (general or flattened)

The JWT RFC (7519) also defines a specific content-type for JWTs, "application/jwt".

For these media types, we could therefore extend the Open API mediaType Object so that it can contain a cryptographicDefinitionsUrl field that will allow for the retrieval of the cryptographic contraints that must be fulfilled to consume the API (authorized algorithms, key to be used for encryption, authorised key type and key reference mechanisms for signature) as well as the description of the cryptographic operations computed on the API responses so that the client will know how to decrypt/verify the signature of the responses.

Another way to use signatures is to use the unencoded payload option for JWS (signatures) described by RFC 7797, leave the body of the request/response unchanged (aplication/json media type) and then pass the signature as a detached signature in a specific HTTP header (x-jws-signature is at least the name used by UK's OpenBanking). This means that you remove the payload part from the signature and the rest of the base64url encoded structure in such a header.

Here also, extending the header Open API object with the same cryptographicDefinitionsUrl field should be enough to describe the cryptographic contract.

As far as I understand, cleartext JOSE will not change content-types from regular JOSE so it should fit in the proposal.

Also, I'm to meet (hopefully) @cyberphone next week to understand better the Cleartext JOSE spec.

Last, I should have finished my proposal document by tomorrow, I will then pass it to @isamauny so that she can introduce it to the OAS group.



PS: sorry for all the crypto mumbo-jumbo, all will be properly explained in my doc :-)

pleothaud avatar Feb 12 '18 16:02 pleothaud

Hi Philippe e.t al. Open Banking UK is a relevant application for this discussion. Here is a scaled down version of a payment operation:

POST /payments HTTP/1.1
x-jws-signature: TGlmZSdzIGEgam91cm5 ... leSBhg6fttg6gh88bfxmlf5bdDrA3
Content-Type: application/json

  "amount": "259.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

This scheme has (in my opinion NB) a number of shortcomings like:

  • Ties signatures to HTTP
  • Does not permit signed objects to be embedded in other objects
  • Does not easily facilitate serialization of signed data
  • Shrouds header data in Base64Url

A Cleartext JWS counterpart would address all the issues above:

POST /payments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "amount": "259.99",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "signature": {
    "alg": "RS256",
    "kid": "#45233",
    "val": "Mtqlw2PPUoZSO4DAHNzZ9gk_ ... z8HsK3fE1jux6jFVrrhwSZiRaW6M"

Remaining Problem Strictly speaking none of those schemes properly represent a signed REST request since requests like above are only fully characterized by the HTTP Body, URL, and HTTP Verb. There are essentially three different ways of dealing with this issue:

  • Current solution: ignore it. Well, Amazon do use something similar to the "right" way below
  • The "right" way:
  • The "heretic" way:

cyberphone avatar Feb 13 '18 05:02 cyberphone

Hi Anders,

I propose we talk face to face about that next week, as discussing in this thread might be bothering to other OAS people (like comparing advantages and disadvantages of detached, enveloping and enveloped signatures...).

Just wanted to add that supporting the http-signatures standard could just be accomplished in a similar manner than I propose to support the detached signature/HTTP header OpenBanking is using: by extending the header object so that you can refer to the description of requirements to the to-be-used Signature header draft-cavage-http-signatures defines and relies on.



pleothaud avatar Feb 13 '18 12:02 pleothaud

@cyberphone: amazing discussion, thanx: can anyone point me to some documents about this: "here are also enhanced versions of JOSE JWS and JWE in the workings (through the IETF), providing Clear Text support which should be a nice fit for information centric systems, here illustrated by a minute JWS-CT sample"

ainthek avatar Feb 13 '18 20:02 ainthek

@ainthek The WG has not yet been created but you can follow the work on the link provided earlier in this thread. holds a fully usable precursor to this work.

cyberphone avatar Feb 14 '18 08:02 cyberphone

@cyberphone @pleothaud I appreciate your explanations above, I am now in a much better place to have this conversation.

Here's my perspective on this. OpenAPI is a description of an HTTP API. In order to describe how these JOSE concepts can be described in OpenAPI, we must first identify how they will be described in a HTTP message and then the answer will fall out of that.

There are generally just three places you can put data in a HTTP request. The URL, headers or the payload. Let's ignore the URL for moment based on the assumption that there is probably too much metadata to put into the URL cleanly.

HTTP headers are intended to contain metadata about request or response. Putting signature and encoding information in the HTTP headers would seem like the obvious choice. I do hope it is not too late to remove that x- prefix from the x-jws-signature from the header as that has been discouraged for some time now RFC6648.

I don't think placing the signature in a HTTP header ties the signature to the header. The signature can be removed from the HTTP header and is still fully functional. However, it is true that signed payload is not self-contained. I can see some value to having both the content and the signature in a single blob of data.

Which brings me to the HTTP Content-Encoding header. This header is designed to allow a message to still use the appropriate media type to describe the semantics of the un-encrypted message and then layer some kind of encoding on top of that message. The header is currently used for compression mechanisms like gzip, deflate and more recently brotli. The types of content encoding available is an HTTP extension point and therefore there is an IANA registry for listing the available encodings.

Interestingly, when I looked at the content encoding registry I noticed the aes128gcm encoding which is described in the related spec Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP. This spec appears to describe very similar capabilities to what we seem to be trying to achieve with the JOSE standards. I see no reason why a similar approach would not work for the JOSE case also.

darrelmiller avatar Feb 14 '18 14:02 darrelmiller

For people like me who want to stick to JSON encoding as well maybe only having an encrypted sub object, Cleartext JWE will bring something very similar to this:

  "enc": "A128CBC-HS256",
  "alg": "ECDH-ES+A256KW",
  "kid": "",
  "epk": {
    "kty": "EC",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "x": "Fyzfe-04AJLJUObu2DVgL6PTmEckU2CNeDDpoMsGPto",
    "y": "k3bd9ccy6r7Lnd5o116_BD9sawwKGJDYUw7vhOTR6Rc"
  "encrypted_key": "WIezNZ2eebtGoe0u13S8ye5dOHIF41iqRGXq2NdpQTulOdB0aQp3IQ",
  "iv": "vZoQqmLylkXhOeinqWa6og",
  "tag": "7SLHaUp1xzjOCVhek-meaA",
  "ciphertext": "jgNLUWMWyhfxMm-addN13GqQcbM_q6xcxRir0oW-WxA"

Cleartext JOSE versions could essentially be regarded as derived data types living in a JSON/JavaScript world.

cyberphone avatar Feb 14 '18 16:02 cyberphone

@cyberphone If you want to keep all of your security related information in a JSON payload, then OpenAPI is quite capable of describing that. The Schema Object can describe the structure of your payload including all the additional security metadata. I am not aware of anything that needs to be changed in OpenAPI to allow this.

darrelmiller avatar Feb 14 '18 16:02 darrelmiller

First public submission:

cyberphone avatar Mar 05 '18 13:03 cyberphone

Just "for fun" there's now an entirely different proposition on the table 😂 Documentation: On-line demo:

cyberphone avatar May 25 '18 05:05 cyberphone

Is there anything currently acting as a roadblock in the OAS to prevent use of JOSE signatures today? With the possible addition of a format value in the proposed registry, I can't see any particular problems with having a signature or __cleartext_signature property in schema objects.

MikeRalphson avatar Jun 04 '18 15:06 MikeRalphson

The main (only?) problem is for implementations supporting signature schemes, at least this is what the Open Banking folks claim.

cyberphone avatar Jun 04 '18 15:06 cyberphone

The main (only?) problem is for implementations supporting signature schemes,

Thanks - a concrete example in OAS terms would be enlightening.

MikeRalphson avatar Jun 04 '18 15:06 MikeRalphson

@pleothaud is working on that

cyberphone avatar Jun 04 '18 15:06 cyberphone

@cyberphone I made some investigations on header-based signatures here

There are a couple of issues, eg. whether the signature is part of the application logic or not. In the first case, it could be useful to attach it to the data (eg. jcs) though you are going to lose endpoint informations.

ioggstream avatar Dec 21 '18 10:12 ioggstream

@ioggstream You mention endpoint informations. Here I believe there are considerable problems causing Amazon AWS taking an entirely different route: This seems like a more correct method for REST than used by Open Banking:

Request = Operation + Data

I have dealt with this issue in a different (and much simpler) way:

  "requestUrl": " etc etc",
  "data-1..." : ..,
   "data-n": ...,
   "signature": "jws-header..jws-signature"

cyberphone avatar Dec 21 '18 14:12 cyberphone

@cyberphone both draft-cavage and signed-exchanges serialize endpoint informations (though in different ways - signed-exchanges takes into account a lot of security improvements implemented in TLS1.3).

Embedding data in payload is ok, as long as the application on the other side is aware of the signing mechanism (eg. it's not delegated to a gateway or an api-manager).

ioggstream avatar Dec 21 '18 14:12 ioggstream

@darrelmiller your idea of a application/jose content-encoding seems very reasonable. Do you know of any attempt to register it with the IANA?

ioggstream avatar Mar 20 '19 16:03 ioggstream

@darrelmiller @ioggstream FWIW, I will do a short presentation at IETF-104 in Prague showing how JSON canonicalization and JWS can be applied to things that are related to OAI.

On-line testing: Canonicalization:

cyberphone avatar Mar 21 '19 09:03 cyberphone