Theatherflix icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Theatherflix copied to clipboard

Theatherflix Extension is a browser extension that provides personalized movie and series recommendations to users. Using The Movie Database (TMDb) API, the extension fetches popular movie data and di...

Theatherflix Open Source Project


*Logo created by Dee-y | | (Graphic Designer - Contrib) (Contributor of the project)

[It's a project build with the foundations of NodeJS + React.JS + Redux


   If you like to study these topics, don't hesitate to join it! 
  If you are one of the engineers, developers, someone documenting or a tester, don't forget there's a branch called 'development'. We must use that first before to make a pull request to the master. 
  Create any issue about moving files etc. We in that way can avoid any kind of conflict regarding files or programming.

|Version: Alpha v2.3.2 (rvc1.0) [Coming soon beta and release-candidate] - Codename -Boing 747-

Google Group:

Any question just email to: [email protected]


Join us in the IRC server: /server - channel: /j #Vollj

-(admin nickname: SoulBlue [Felipe, Founder of the project])

What's this? Where are we going?

Theatherflix OpenSource Project - A visual tool for wiring digital movies, to sort and list the top latest movie trailers. We are constantly developing and making changes. Do you want to be part? Contact us! [email protected]

It's focused for people with no possibility to get a good Internet Connection and no possibility to get subscribed to any other kind of service, it will be a complete platform for free to use and to install it in any server, computer, or any other device, to watch trailers of movies.


The whole project is split into FIVE (5) stages**:

Stage1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Creation of a UI Back-end (the whole functionality) Debugging Testing (UI + Back-end) Lager scale testing

** If you wanna know where it's the project now ? in which stage somehow?... Follow this link!

Technical stuff*:

Development** vs Production (The master branch)

Don't write initially in the master branch, all first goes to development. then we pull request to master which is 'Production'. If you want to download the whole development files, go to the 'development' branch ->

#If you want to clone the development branch follow this:

  1. git clone -b development --single-branch [email protected]:Vollj/Theatherflix.git
  2. cd development (which is downloaded as a folder named 'Theatherflix' though, you rename it)
  3. npm install (We can use Yarn too)
  4. node (or nodemon) server.js

[*] If you are going to work inside of the project please inform, and them comment everything and please from now on (12-04-2018) add your email, name and date inside of the code you might add, as part of a comment; and keep working always in the development branch first. (Don't forget to use the 'issues' inside of the Github platform as well as please keep checking the progress of the project.).-

The first version where all begun. It's in the Old_branch

If you want to download the old version stored, go to the old branch ->

#If you want to clone the old branch follow this:

  1. git clone -b old_branch --single-branch [email protected]:Vollj/Theatherflix.git
  2. cd old_branch (which is downloaded as a folder named 'Theatherflix' though, you rename it)
  3. npm install (We can use Yarn too)
  4. node (or nodemon) server.js

_Warning: The project will be unstable due changes, and the migration of the project to React, and other technologies slowly.

Build Status Coverage Status

Visit our websites:

Join the conversation about Theatherflix using Slack!

Github notes for Engineers & Developers

Before any commit, don't forget this: (or we could lose all the work that other engineers and developers in the project could have done)

  1. git pull

  2. git add . (your contribution.)

  3. your contribution - commits ...


To run the Theatherflix web app offline, you need to install the following;

  1. Make sure you have installed Node.js. Versions 6.0.0 and higher should work. We recommend that you use the most-recent "Active LTS" version of Node.js.
  2. Make sure you have installed npm (NB: npm is distributed with Node.js- which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer).

Check that you have node and npm installed

  • To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

  • To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

npm -v

Quick Start

  1. sudo npm install (You can also use Yarn)
  2. node server.js (recommend install nodemon)
  3. Open http://localhost:3000

Developers and collabs

If you want to run the latest code from git, here's how to get started:

  1. Clone the code:

     git clone [email protected]:Vollj/theatherflix.git
     cd theatherflix
  2. Install the theatherflix dependencies

     npm install (You can also use Yarn)
  3. Build the code

     npm run build
  4. Run

     npm start


     node server.js

** If you have the old config, don't worry, it will work anyway! _)


Before raising a pull-request, please read all carefully

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant 1.4. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to any of the [project's core team]

| We need more collaborations or people involved in this modest project which I think it could be cool, perhaps. | time will tell. Feel free to add your credits.

Important for new contributors:

If you wanna be part of this: seriously, coding, documenting; write me out, and also check out the file:

Contact and Communications


Feel free to contact Felipe: [email protected] if you wanna Fork the project to try something unique, and learn and test, and feel an Open Source Project in your hands too.

Authors and contribs nowadays.

Names of collaborators Github Links Remarks
Felipe (Founder - [email protected])
Antz (Main Collaborator - Management)
Dee-y (Graphic Designer - Contrib)
Gonzalrick (Collaborator)
Vikas Singh Rajput (Collaborator)
Bhagvat Lande (Collaborator)
Prabhpahul Singh (Collaborator)
Mmajidali (Collaborator)
Hiago Machado (Collaborator)
Patelvvipulgk (Collaborator)
Parikshit Hooda (Collaborator)
Douglas Alves (Collaborator)
Naimur Rahman Sourov (Collaborator)
Jpart (Collaborator)

Copyright and license

Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, under the GPU/GPL.

Founded and Started by Felipe Alfonso Gonzalez, [email protected] - CC2018-Present.