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Python Advanced Concepts
Python Pro Features
[Note: Ongoing work, one commit at time. I would like creating my own version of all topics mentioned in below outline, but I due to other commitments, I can't promise I will. If I am unable to create content for a given topic, I will link some external good resources. I also compiled resources for further learning(see further learning). Feedback or suggestion for other good Python resources are welcome]
Python is a popular programming language that emphasizes efficiency, readability and simplicity ahead of anything. Due to its rich standard library, it has been called "a battery included" language.
This repository is a home of Python most advanced concepts and features. It's an extension of a former repository of Python basics.
- Basics Beyond Basics:
- Recursion
- Dynamic Programming
- Bit Manipulation
- Measuring and Understanding Program Efficiency with Big-O
- Code Formatting
- Writing Pythonic Code: Tricks and Know How to's
- Decorators
- Generators
- Itertools
- Collections
- OOP - Classes and Objects: notebook, markdown
- OOP - Inheritance: notebook, markdown
- OOP - Magic Methods: article
- Logging
- Threading
- Testing, Debugging, Exceptions, and Assertions: video, slides
- Regular Expressions: part 1, part 2
- Python Modules
- Working with:
- Files and Command Line
- Json
- Google Sheets
Further Learning
- MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by AI Sweigart
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python by AI Sweigart
- Awesome Python Articles by Real Python
Thanks to Symon for suggesting some concepts to cover in this repository.