nyan copied to clipboard
8 hours summary using GPT not present
After setting up, everything is working except 8 hours summary. I see files summary.py, openai.py, topics.py are present but don't seem to be included anywhere. Maybe some bash scripts missing? Also I've read that for openai you need to put your keys into .env which might also need to be mentioned in the setup instruction.
It is not a part of core functions.
I have this command in cron
, with three different launch times:
python3 -m nyan.topics --mongo-config-path configs/mongo_config.json --client-config-path configs/client_config.json --renderer-config-path configs/renderer_config.json --prompt-path nyan/prompts/topics.txt --model-name gpt-4 --duration-hours 8 --auto --template-path nyan/templates/topics.html
And OPENAI_API_KEY in env variables.
Thanks. What else functions might need to be configured with cron? Probably, archiving? In the whitepaper it says that there is a summary around 9pm every day, I guess that relates to summary.py but you're not currently using it in your channel?
Nothing. Archiving is manual using this script. Nope, it was about ratings.py, but having both topics and ratings seems too much for me.
How often do you run archive?
Rarely. You can find all runs here: https://github.com/NyanNyanovich/nyan/releases
Добрый день! Интересный проект, последнее время думал сделать для себя агрегатор, чтобы посмотреть основные новости один раз за день и не чекать постоянно каналы.
Есть вопрос: А почему бы не запустить какую-нибудь доступную модель локально, чтобы делать выжимку?
Нет таких моделей, по крайней мере сравнимых с gpt-4. Я сохраняю все выжимки, когда-нибудь на них можно будет дообучить модель. Для preview версии это выходит примерно в 50 сентов в день всё равно.