BlockTheSpot-Mac copied to clipboard
Spotify quit unexpectedly.
🧐 Have you fully read the README and viewed similar issues?
- [X] I have read the README
- [X] I have checked older issues, open and closed
- [X] I did a clean install of Spotify and BlockTheSpot
Сountry of your account
What is your Spotify Plan?
Do you have Spicetify installed?
ℹ Computer information
- Spotify:
- macOS: 14.3.1
- Shell: BASH 5.2.26
📝 Description
- Perform a clean install of Spotify
brew reinstall spotify
- Run BlockTheSpot
curl -fsSL | bash -s --
- Start Spotify
open -a spotify
🖥️ Terminal Input/Output
$ brew reinstall spotify
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/elec/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/915eb8fa6fa922ff37440641ed6b36ecd469438db13b36fa4228c68e044886eb--SpotifyARM64.dmg
Warning: No checksum defined for cask 'spotify', skipping verification.
==> Uninstalling Cask spotify
==> Removing launchctl service com.spotify.webhelper
==> Backing App '' up to '/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/spotify/,4d59ad7c,349/'
==> Removing App '/Users/elec/Applications/'
==> Purging files for version,4d59ad7c,349 of Cask spotify
==> Installing Cask spotify
==> Moving App '' to '/Users/elec/Applications/'
🍺 spotify was successfully installed!
$ ~/Applications/ --version
Spotify version, Copyright (c) 2024, Spotify Ltd
$ curl -fsSL | bash -s --
BlockTheSpot-Mac by @Nuzair46
Spotify version:
BlockTheSpot-Mac version:
Creating backup...
Extracting xpui...
Applying BlockTheSpot patches...
Removing ad-related content...
Patching Binary...
Removing premium-only features...
Removing logging...
Adding credits...
Signing Spotify...
BlockTheSpot finished patching!
$ ~/Applications/ --version
Killed: 9
📸 Screenshots
Whats your Mac details?
Whats your Mac details?
$ sw_vers -ProductVersion
$ uname -m
anything else?
Thanks will look into this
Same issue.
Version: 14.2.1
@Nuzair46 Just now I rerun the install script and got a different error
$ curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -fP ~/Applications/
Spotify not found. Exiting...
@electriquo can you try without passing the app directory. can you just run this
bash <(curl -sSL
wanna see what happens
$ bash <(curl -sSL
BlockTheSpot-Mac by @Nuzair46
Spotify version:
BlockTheSpot-Mac version:
Creating backup...
Extracting xpui...
Applying BlockTheSpot patches...
Removing ad-related content...
Patching Binary...
Removing premium-only features...
Removing logging...
Adding credits...
Signing Spotify...
BlockTheSpot finished patching!
And I am still getting the same original error
this issue will be followed by #76 as the spotify version is latest.
Can you see if it works with latest release? I'm not able to replicate this issue in my system. I'm running on MacOS Ventura, Spotify Arm 1.2.32.**, Apple M2 Pro. Patch installed with codesigning.
Same issue.
$ ~/Applications/ --version
Spotify version, Copyright (c) 2024, Spotify Ltd
$ curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -fP ~/Applications/
Spotify not found. Exiting...
$ curl -fsSL | bash -s -- -f
BlockTheSpot-Mac by @Nuzair46
Spotify version:
BlockTheSpot-Mac version:
Creating backup...
Extracting xpui...
Applying BlockTheSpot patches...
Removing ad-related content...
Patching Binary...
Removing premium-only features...
Removing logging...
Adding credits...
Signing Spotify...
BlockTheSpot finished patching!
$ ~/Applications/ --version
Killed: 9
@Nuzair46 How may I help?
sorry for the late reply. is the issue still happening?
@Nuzair46 Yes :(
Can you post a video of complete process. uninstall spotify and record from the beginning of installing the patch and opening the application and it throwing the error. I cannot replicate this and I dont see any widespread issue.
Can you post a video of complete process.
It is all in the "Terminal Input/Output" in the description. Here is more information
$ curl -fsSL | bash -x -s -- -fP ~/Applications/
+ command -v perl
+ command -v unzip
+ command -v zip
+ APP_PATH=/Applications/
+ FORCE_FLAG=false
+ PATH_FLAG=false
+ getopts UfhSPud: flag
+ case "${flag}" in
+ getopts UfhSPud: flag
+ case "${flag}" in
+ PATH_FLAG=true
+ getopts UfhSPud: flag
+ [[ true == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ [[ -d '' ]]
+ echo -e '\nSpotify not found. Exiting...\n'
Spotify not found. Exiting...
+ exit
$ $ curl -fsSL | bash -x
+ command -v perl
+ command -v unzip
+ command -v zip
+ APP_PATH=/Applications/
+ FORCE_FLAG=false
+ PATH_FLAG=false
+ getopts UfhSPud: flag
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ [[ -d /Users/elec/Applications/ ]]
+ INSTALL_PATH=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_PATH=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ APP_BINARY=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ APP_BINARY_BAK=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_DIR=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_BAK=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_SPA=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_JS=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_CSS=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ VENDOR_XPUI_JS=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_DESKTOP_MODAL_JS=/Users/elec/Applications/
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
++ awk '/CFBundleShortVersionString/{getline; print}' /Users/elec/Applications/
++ cut '-d>' -f2-
++ rev
++ cut -d. -f2-
++ rev
++ uname -m
+ MAC_ARCH=arm64
+ PERL='perl -pi -w -e'
+ AD_EMPTY_AD_BLOCK='s|adsEnabled:!0|adsEnabled:!1|'
+ AD_PLAYLIST_SPONSORS='s|allSponsorships||'
+ AD_SPONSORS='s/ht.{14}\...\..{7}\....\/.{8}ap4p\/|ht.{14}\...\..{7}\....\/s.{15}t\/v.\///g'
+ AD_BILLBOARD='s|.(?=\?\[.{1,6}[a-zA-Z].leaderboard,)|false|'
+ AD_UPSELL='s|Enables quicksilver in-app messaging modal",default:\K!.(?=})|false|s'
+ AD_ADS='s#/a\Kd(?=s/v1)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/t)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/se)#b#gs'
+ AD_SERV='s|(this\._product_state(?:_service)?=(.))|$1,$2.putOverridesValues({pairs:{ads:'\''0'\'',catalogue:'\''premium'\'',product:'\''premium'\'',type:'\''premium'\''}})|'
+ AD_PATCH_1='s|\x00\K\x61(?=\x64\x2D\x6C\x6F\x67\x69\x63\x2F\x73)|\x00|'
+ AD_PATCH_2='s|\x00\K\x73(?=\x6C\x6F\x74\x73\x00)|\x00|'
+ AD_PATCH_3='s|\x70\x6F\x64\x63\x61\x73\x74\K\x2D\x70|\x20\x70|g'
+ AD_PATCH_4='s|\x70\x6F\x64\x63\x61\x73\x74\K\x2D\x6D\x69|\x20\x6D\x69|g'
+ AD_PATCH_5='s|\x00\K\x67(?=\x61\x62\x6F\x2D\x72\x65\x63\x65\x69\x76\x65\x72\x2D\x73\x65\x72\x76\x69\x63\x65)|\x00|g'
+ HPTO_ENABLED='s|hptoEnabled:!\K0|1|s'
+ HPTO_PATCH='s|(ADS_PREMIUM,isPremium:)\w(.*?ADS_HPTO_HIDDEN,isHptoHidden:)\w|$1true$2true|'
+ HIDE_DL_QUALITY='s|return \K([^;]+?)(?=\?null[^}]+?desktop\.settings\.downloadQuality\.title)|true|'
+ HIDE_DL_ICON=' .BKsbV2Xl786X9a09XROH {display:none}'
+ HIDE_DL_MENU=' button.wC9sIed7pfp47wZbmU6m.pzkhLqffqF_4hucrVVQA {display:none}'
+ HIDE_VERY_HIGH=' #desktop\.settings\.streamingQuality>option:nth-child(5) {display:none}'
+ HIDE_PODCASTS3='s/(!Array.isArray\(.\)\|\|.===..length)/$1||e[0].key.includes('\''episode'\'')||e[0].key.includes('\''show'\'')/'
+ MODAL_CREDITS='s;((..createElement|children:\(.{1,7}\))\(.{1,7},\{source:).{1,7}get\("about.copyright",.\),paragraphClassName:.(?=\}\));$1"<h3>About BlockTheSpot-Mac</h3><br><a href='\'''\''><svg xmlns='\'''\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\''><path d='\''M12 0c-6.626 0-12 5.373-12 12 0 5.302 3.438 9.8 8.207 11.387.599.111.793-.261.793-.577v-2.234c-3.338.726-4.033-1.416-4.033-1.416-.546-1.387-1.333-1.756-1.333-1.756-1.089-.745.083-.729.083-.729 1.205.084 1.839 1.237 1.839 1.237 1.07 1.834 2.807 1.304 3.492.997.107-.775.418-1.305.762-1.604-2.665-.305-5.467-1.334-5.467-5.931 0-1.311.469-2.381 1.236-3.221-.124-.303-.535-1.524.117-3.176 0 0 1.008-.322 3.301 1.23.957-.266 1.983-.399 3.003-.404 1.02.005 2.047.138 3.006.404 2.291-1.552 3.297-1.23 3.297-1.23.653 1.653.242 2.874.118 1.235 1.911 1.235 3.221 0 4.609-2.807 5.624-5.479 5.921.43.372.823 1.102.823 2.222v3.293c0 .319.192.694.801.576 4.765-1.589 8.199-6.086 8.199-11.386 0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z'\'' fill='\''#fff'\''/></svg> Nuzair46/BlockTheSpot-Mac</a><br><a href=><svg xmlns='\'''\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\''><path id='\''discord'\'' d='\''M20.317 4.37a19.791 19.791 0 0 0-4.885-1.515.074.074 0 0 0-.079.037c-.21.375-.444.864-.608 1.25a18.27 18.27 0 0 0-5.487 0 12.64 12.64 0 0 0-.617- 0 0 0-.079-.037A19.736 19.736 0 0 0 3.677 4.37a.07.07 0 0 0-.032.027C.533 9.046-.32 13.58.099 18.057a.082.082 0 0 0 .031.057 19.9 19.9 0 0 0 5.993 0 0 0 .084-.028 14.09 14.09 0 0 0 1.226-1.994.076.076 0 0 0-.041-.106 13.107 13.107 0 0 1-1.872-.892.077.077 0 0 1-.008-.128 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 .372-.292.074.074 0 0 1 .077-.01c3.928 1.793 8.18 1.793 12.062 0a.074.074 0 0 1 .078.01c. 0 0 1-.006.127 12.299 12.299 0 0 1-1.873.892.077.077 0 0 0-.041.107c.36.698.772 1.362 1.225 1.993a.076.076 0 0 0 .084.028 19.839 19.839 0 0 0 6.002- 0 0 0 .032-.054c.5-5.177-.838-9.674-3.549-13.66a.061.061 0 0 0-.031-.03zM8.02 15.33c-1.183 0-2.157-1.085-2.157-2.419 0-1.333.956-2.419 2.157-2.419 1.21 0 2.176 1.096 2.157 2.42 0 1.333-.956 2.418-2.157 2.418zm7.975 0c-1.183 0-2.157-1.085-2.157-2.419 0-1.333.955-2.419 2.157-2.419 1.21 0 2.176 1.096 2.157 2.42 0 1.333-.946 2.418-2.157 2.418z'\'' fill='\''#fff'\''/></svg> BlockTheSpot Discord</a><br><a href=><svg fill='\''#fff'\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\'' xmlns='\'''\''><path id='\''windows'\'' d='\''m9.84 12.663v9.39l-9.84-1.356v-8.034zm0-10.72v9.505h-9.84v-8.145zm14.16 10.72v11.337l-13.082-1.803v-9.534zm0-12.663v11.452h-13.082v-9.649z'\''/></svg> For Windows 10/11</a><br><br>BlockTheSpot-Mac is provided "\;as is"\ without any warranties at the users descretion. Use at your own risk. BlockTheSpot/BlockTheSpot-Mac team is not responsible for any consequences of using this project, <a href='\'''\''>More info</a>.<br><br>Spotify®\; is a registered trademark of Spotify Group.";'
+ LOG_1='s|sp://logging/v3/\w+||g'
+ LOG_SENTRY='s|this\.getStackTop\(\)\.client=e|return;$&|'
+ UPDATE_PATCH='s|\x64(?=\x65\x73\x6B\x74\x6F\x70\x2D\x75\x70)|\x00|g'
+ [[ arm64 == \a\r\m\6\4 ]]
+ DEVELOPER_MODE_PATCH='s|\xF8\xFF[\x37\x77\xF7][\x06\x07\x08]\x39\xFF.[\x00\x04]\xB9\xE1[\x03\x43\xC3][\x06\x07\x08]\x91\xE2.[\x02\x03\x13]\x91\K..\x00\x94(?=[\xF7\xF8]\x03)|\x60\x00\x80\xD2|'
+ echo
+ echo '************************'
+ echo 'BlockTheSpot-Mac by @Nuzair46'
BlockTheSpot-Mac by @Nuzair46
+ echo '************************'
+ echo
+ echo -e 'Spotify version:'
Spotify version:
+ echo -e 'BlockTheSpot-Mac version:\n'
BlockTheSpot-Mac version:
++ ver
++ echo
++ awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'
++ ver
++ echo
++ awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3,$4); }'
+ [[ 10020331042 -lt 1002032985 ]]
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ command -v codesign
+ [[ ! -f /Users/elec/Applications/ ]]
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ [[ -f /Users/elec/Applications/ ]]
+ [[ -f /Users/elec/Applications/ ]]
+ echo 'Creating backup...'
Creating backup...
+ cp /Users/elec/Applications/ /Users/elec/Applications/
+ cp /Users/elec/Applications/ /Users/elec/Applications/
+ XPUI_SKIP=false
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ echo 'Extracting xpui...'
Extracting xpui...
+ unzip -qq /Users/elec/Applications/ -d /Users/elec/Applications/
+ grep -Fq BlockTheSpot /Users/elec/Applications/
+ rm /Users/elec/Applications/
+ echo 'Applying BlockTheSpot patches...'
Applying BlockTheSpot patches...
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ echo 'Removing ad-related content...'
Removing ad-related content...
+ perl -pi -w -e 's#/a\Kd(?=s/v1)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/t)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/se)#b#gs' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|.(?=\?\[.{1,6}[a-zA-Z].leaderboard,)|false|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|adsEnabled:!0|adsEnabled:!1|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|(this\._product_state(?:_service)?=(.))|$1,$2.putOverridesValues({pairs:{ads:'\''0'\'',catalogue:'\''premium'\'',product:'\''premium'\'',type:'\''premium'\''}})|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|allSponsorships||' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|Enables quicksilver in-app messaging modal",default:\K!.(?=})|false|s' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's/ht.{14}\...\..{7}\....\/.{8}ap4p\/|ht.{14}\...\..{7}\....\/s.{15}t\/v.\///g' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|hptoEnabled:!\K0|1|s' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|(ADS_PREMIUM,isPremium:)\w(.*?ADS_HPTO_HIDDEN,isHptoHidden:)\w|$1true$2true|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ echo 'Patching Binary...'
Patching Binary...
+ perl -pi -w -e 's#/a\Kd(?=s/v1)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/t)|/a\Kd(?=s/v2/se)#b#gs' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|\x00\K\x61(?=\x64\x2D\x6C\x6F\x67\x69\x63\x2F\x73)|\x00|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|\x00\K\x73(?=\x6C\x6F\x74\x73\x00)|\x00|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|\x70\x6F\x64\x63\x61\x73\x74\K\x2D\x70|\x20\x70|g' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|\x70\x6F\x64\x63\x61\x73\x74\K\x2D\x6D\x69|\x20\x6D\x69|g' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|\x00\K\x67(?=\x61\x62\x6F\x2D\x72\x65\x63\x65\x69\x76\x65\x72\x2D\x73\x65\x72\x76\x69\x63\x65)|\x00|g' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ echo 'Removing premium-only features...'
Removing premium-only features...
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|return \K([^;]+?)(?=\?null[^}]+?desktop\.settings\.downloadQuality\.title)|true|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ echo ' .BKsbV2Xl786X9a09XROH {display:none}'
+ echo ' button.wC9sIed7pfp47wZbmU6m.pzkhLqffqF_4hucrVVQA {display:none}'
+ echo ' #desktop\.settings\.streamingQuality>option:nth-child(5) {display:none}'
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ echo 'Removing logging...'
Removing logging...
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|sp://logging/v3/\w+||g' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ perl -pi -w -e 's|this\.getStackTop\(\)\.client=e|return;$&|' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ echo 'Adding credits...'
Adding credits...
+ perl -pi -w -e 's;((..createElement|children:\(.{1,7}\))\(.{1,7},\{source:).{1,7}get\("about.copyright",.\),paragraphClassName:.(?=\}\));$1"<h3>About BlockTheSpot-Mac</h3><br><a href='\'''\''><svg xmlns='\'''\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\''><path d='\''M12 0c-6.626 0-12 5.373-12 12 0 5.302 3.438 9.8 8.207 11.387.599.111.793-.261.793-.577v-2.234c-3.338.726-4.033-1.416-4.033-1.416-.546-1.387-1.333-1.756-1.333-1.756-1.089-.745.083-.729.083-.729 1.205.084 1.839 1.237 1.839 1.237 1.07 1.834 2.807 1.304 3.492.997.107-.775.418-1.305.762-1.604-2.665-.305-5.467-1.334-5.467-5.931 0-1.311.469-2.381 1.236-3.221-.124-.303-.535-1.524.117-3.176 0 0 1.008-.322 3.301 1.23.957-.266 1.983-.399 3.003-.404 1.02.005 2.047.138 3.006.404 2.291-1.552 3.297-1.23 3.297-1.23.653 1.653.242 2.874.118 1.235 1.911 1.235 3.221 0 4.609-2.807 5.624-5.479 5.921.43.372.823 1.102.823 2.222v3.293c0 .319.192.694.801.576 4.765-1.589 8.199-6.086 8.199-11.386 0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z'\'' fill='\''#fff'\''/></svg> Nuzair46/BlockTheSpot-Mac</a><br><a href=><svg xmlns='\'''\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\''><path id='\''discord'\'' d='\''M20.317 4.37a19.791 19.791 0 0 0-4.885-1.515.074.074 0 0 0-.079.037c-.21.375-.444.864-.608 1.25a18.27 18.27 0 0 0-5.487 0 12.64 12.64 0 0 0-.617- 0 0 0-.079-.037A19.736 19.736 0 0 0 3.677 4.37a.07.07 0 0 0-.032.027C.533 9.046-.32 13.58.099 18.057a.082.082 0 0 0 .031.057 19.9 19.9 0 0 0 5.993 0 0 0 .084-.028 14.09 14.09 0 0 0 1.226-1.994.076.076 0 0 0-.041-.106 13.107 13.107 0 0 1-1.872-.892.077.077 0 0 1-.008-.128 10.2 10.2 0 0 0 .372-.292.074.074 0 0 1 .077-.01c3.928 1.793 8.18 1.793 12.062 0a.074.074 0 0 1 .078.01c. 0 0 1-.006.127 12.299 12.299 0 0 1-1.873.892.077.077 0 0 0-.041.107c.36.698.772 1.362 1.225 1.993a.076.076 0 0 0 .084.028 19.839 19.839 0 0 0 6.002- 0 0 0 .032-.054c.5-5.177-.838-9.674-3.549-13.66a.061.061 0 0 0-.031-.03zM8.02 15.33c-1.183 0-2.157-1.085-2.157-2.419 0-1.333.956-2.419 2.157-2.419 1.21 0 2.176 1.096 2.157 2.42 0 1.333-.956 2.418-2.157 2.418zm7.975 0c-1.183 0-2.157-1.085-2.157-2.419 0-1.333.955-2.419 2.157-2.419 1.21 0 2.176 1.096 2.157 2.42 0 1.333-.946 2.418-2.157 2.418z'\'' fill='\''#fff'\''/></svg> BlockTheSpot Discord</a><br><a href=><svg fill='\''#fff'\'' width='\''20'\'' height='\''20'\'' viewBox='\''0 0 24 24'\'' xmlns='\'''\''><path id='\''windows'\'' d='\''m9.84 12.663v9.39l-9.84-1.356v-8.034zm0-10.72v9.505h-9.84v-8.145zm14.16 10.72v11.337l-13.082-1.803v-9.534zm0-12.663v11.452h-13.082v-9.649z'\''/></svg> For Windows 10/11</a><br><br>BlockTheSpot-Mac is provided "\;as is"\ without any warranties at the users descretion. Use at your own risk. BlockTheSpot/BlockTheSpot-Mac team is not responsible for any consequences of using this project, <a href='\'''\''>More info</a>.<br><br>Spotify®\; is a registered trademark of Spotify Group.";' /Users/elec/Applications/
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ [[ false == \f\a\l\s\e ]]
+ cd /Users/elec/Applications/
+ zip -qq -r ../ .
+ rm -rf /Users/elec/Applications/
+ echo 'Signing Spotify...'
Signing Spotify...
+ codesign -f --deep -s - /Applications/
+ echo -e 'BlockTheSpot finished patching!\n'
BlockTheSpot finished patching!
$ ~/Applications/ --version
Killed: 9
can you run this.
bash <(curl -sSL
and then open spotify normally instead from the cli
Also, try installing Spotify from their website instead of brew
try installing Spotify from their website instead of brew
Brew installs the official Spotify. Look at the URL below
$ brew info --json=v2 spotify | jq -r '.casks[].url'
Still happens for Spotify
I recommend using as it works without any issues and this repo doesn't seem well maintained
Could you try executing these commands in Terminal after installing BlockTheSpot-Mac? If needed, please make sure to change the path to Spotify::
sudo xattr -r -c /Applications/
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/
I am not sure, but for the second command, you may need to obtain a Developer ID from Apple and install it in your system's Keychain.