Number 3434
Number 3434
Add semantic tokens for constants. --- ## Constants ### Const Declaration These should have a semantic token _type_ of `constant`. For example, in the following: ```dart const two = 2;...
Add semantic tokenisation for getter-setters. This will be separate from fields / properties, allowing getter-setters to be distinguished.
## The Issue When you want to find out possible symbols on a member, the best way to do it is to type the symbol name, followed by a dot...
## The Issue The Code Preview (shown by moving the cursor over a symbol whilst holding Cmd ⌘) shows the code preview for the first symbol in a multiline compound...
Please add syntax highlighting for documentation comments. For example, the following: ```dart /// ## Does something useful, involving [value] /// /// ### Reason for This Method /// This method is...
This is a Fine-Grained Cherry-Pick (FGCP). Replace `${1:Name}` with `${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}}` in ...and replace the first `$1` with `${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}` in This will make the snippet parse the...
# Describe The Bug The default colour picker next to `Color` classes will replace the current colour with `Color.fromARGB` regardless of whether the current colour format is `Color(0xFFFFFFFF)` or `Color.fromRGBO`.
## Proposal Please add syntax highlighting for `TODO`, `FIXME`, `HACK`, `UNDONE`, [ignore:], and [ignore_for_file:] comments. These could then be coloured, increasing clarity, as some users may be unaware that a...
## Proposal Add text icons prefixing the suggestions in the suggest widget. For example, the [Intellicode]( extension provides suggestions that are prefixed with a star icon. ![Example of Star Icon...
Treat `bool`, `num`, `double`, and `int` as keywords. > [!NOTE] > It is not necessary to change the default colouring for these types. These could be configured by the user,...