I made midi file track conditional model of latest version ( v3 ) musegan code. I applied C-GAN model in museGAN. it works at V100_32G * 2
Hi, Where is Track-conditional generation logic in this code? I can't find it.
Tensorflow 1.x was Deprecated. First, install tensorflow-gpu==2.4 and use ```import tf.compat.v1 as tf```, but this works not well reference :
Bug Still Exists.... flow_from_dataframe tf.keras img valid gen not working --> valid generator can't iterate next batch data (it raises Attribute Error : NoneType has shape)
Yes, that ``` _Merge ``` is not supported in keras Edit That RandomWeightAverage function to this...( **TF 2.4 works!!!** ) ``` class RandomWeightedAverage(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, batch_size): super().__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size...
Multi-Line katex NOT working currently.. Well working in official site, but zzo theme does NOT. Is there solutions how to solve multi-Lined katex problem ??? this katex text \mathbf{t} 2...