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use --plugin-enable=multiprocessing to build cefpython cause an error
When I use --plugin-enable=multiprocessing to build my code, it causes a error like follow, even I don't use multi-Process at code anymore. (And I need the multiprocess to deal with cefpython)
It's normal to use Command: nuitka --mingw64 --standalone --nofollow-imports --recurse-all --show-memory --show-progress --output-dir=o
But it makes an error by Command:
nuitka --mingw64 --standalone --plugin-enable=multiprocessing --nofollow-imports --recurse-all --show-memory --show-progress --output-dir=o
Error like this: D:\Nuitka_to_Exe\project_to_exe\Data.olllo\mymodule\o\ownBrowserPopAd.dist>ownBrowserPopAd.exe [0702/] Could not load locale pak for en-US [0702/] Could not load cef.pak [0702/] Could not load cef_100_percent.pak [0702/] Could not load cef_200_percent.pak [0702/] Could not load cef_extensions.pak [0702/] No data resource available for id 101
Could you please give me a sample make command to deal with it?
D:\Nuitka_to_Exe\project_to_exe\Data.olllo\mymodule\o\ownBrowserPopAd.dist>nuitka3 --version 0.6.9rc5 Python: 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 27 2018, 03:37:03) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] Executable: d:\program files\python\python.exe OS: Windows Arch: x86_64
And I solve this problem by copy another cefpython3 files into root of project. That's to say I have to use two cefpython3 to run the program... Any good way to solve it ?
Without a reproducer, I can't do anything about it.
- code like this,using multiprocessing,
import sys
from cefpython3 import cefpython as cef
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocessing import Process
class webCef():
def __init__(self,webctr,siteurl):
self.webctr = webctr
self.siteurl = siteurl
def closeCef(self):
def run(self):
sys.excepthook = cef.ExceptHook
self.browser = cef.CreateBrowserSync(url=self.siteurl,window_title='AD')
#self.browser = cef.CreateBrowser(url="",window_title='AD')
del self.browser
class Visitor(object):
def __init__(self,webctr):
self.webctr = webctr
def Visit(self, value):
print("This is the HTML source:",value)
class LoadHandler(object):
def __init__(self,webctr,stop_flag=False):
self.webctr = webctr
self.stop_flag = stop_flag
def OnLoadingStateChange(self,browser,is_loading,**_):
if not is_loading:
def OnLoadEnd(self,browser,frame,http_code):
if self.stop_flag:
''''End Loading and print''' = Visitor(self.webctr)
print ("OnloadEnd")
def GetResourceHandler(self, frame, request, **_):
#print("GetResourceHandler url="+request.GetUrl())
class webCtr():
first_time_flag = True
def __init__(self,v='olllo_version',u=''):
if self.first_time_flag:
self.mycef = webCef(self,u)
self.first_time_flag = False
def run(self):
def MainPopAD_p():
print('start Myad_p process')
ctr = webCtr()
def main():
#Use Process to open cef3
p_one = Process(target=MainPopAD_p)
if __name__ == '__main__':
build with nuitka: nuitka --mingw64 --standalone --plugin-enable=multiprocessing --nofollow-imports --recurse-all --show-memory --show-progress --output-dir=o
copy bs4 and cefpython3 libs to output dist:
run Nuitka_cef3.exe, and the error like this:
5.if you copy all the files in directory cefpython3 to dist root, the problem is solved.
Thanks for your input, I will look into it.
I managed to run this successfully on Linux, basically just adding a dependency, on Windows however it fails, but I don't see what should be done differently, and the config was added 9 months ago, but the example doesn't work that way. I even checked their pyinstaller hook, and it seems to not make a difference per OS, so not sure what it is about, but it seems files are in fact expected in a different location.