Results 24 issues of Nstd

Modify the logic of showing fragment list: only show current visible fragments, and child fragment is in top of the list.

The app will use multiple tags, so it is nice to filter log by process id.

headView里如果有动画,滑出可见区域再滑回来,动画就不执行了 If three drawer is open, and the third drawer is destroyed, the previous two `DebugDrawerLifecycleCallbacks` will also be removed. I think the code in `onActivityDestroyed` method also need...


如题 手机:小米4LTE Android 4.4.4 比如压缩后的一个10秒的视频,第0秒获取的关键帧正常,其后1、2、3秒的关键帧都不正确

hi, thank you for this great library, i just want to print the log on screen, can you add a method to disable `Log.i()` in `public static void log(String message)`...