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Writing NoOffice book - the ultimate book about remote working - out in the open!

New web site for openly writing the ultimate book about remote working out in the open!

Licensed under Creative-Commons license

See for details.

Written on GitHub in Markdown

The contents of the book are in the /book folder

Each chapter is created with these simple steps:

  1. A text file "" in the "book" folder.
  2. Three things in to the front matter (between "---" signs):
  • "part" set to the part of the book
  • "title" of the chapter
  • "subtitle" of the chapter
  1. Once a chapter is created, it's added to the Table of Contents file: book.yml under appropriate book part and chapter, for example:
  • - url: chapter_name
  • status: draft (can be "draft" or "ready")
  • chname: Chapter 3 (chapter number or intro or outro)
  1. (optional and default) A "mini chapter-only table of contents" if the chapter is very long by pasting these two lines of code right after the front matter of the page:
  • * TOC
  • {:toc}

Here's a simple template for minimal code and maximum content:

part: PART
title: TITLE
subtitle: SUBTITLE

* TOC (optional)



Where's the ready-to-read book located? site auto generated through Jekyll from this repository. The book Table of Contents are here

How to contribute?

Create pull requests on anyting - any chapter, anything in this repository and I'll be reviewing them.

I've decided to blog a daily diary of my contribution to the book

How can we translate the book to Spanish, Polish, German, Italian... or any other lanugage?

This is coming soon - send me an email if you want to help translate and I'll set it up here. As I write the first chapters I'll start preparing guidelines for translating.

How each new language version is added to the repository

I've recently managed to create translation versions of the book in PL and ES. To do that all that is required to do is this:

  • add the new book / translation to the _config.yml
      path: ""
      type: "pl"
      layout: "book"
      book: "pl"
  1. type - the new book / translation
  2. layout - "book" - the same layout for all the book versions
  3. book - which book / collection it is like "pl"
  • add a folder _pl with all the files needed

  • add file to the main directory which serves as a table of contents, remember to put book: pl parameter to the front matter

  • add data/pl.yml file with all the Polish translations and the table of contents