Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
### Description of the feature you're suggesting. To simplify SD Card updates when updating firmware, we should post nightly OCI.tar files on the website that include new firmware AND the...
I would like to see support for transferring files via Bluetooth (such as a new firmware file).
I think it would be nice if there was a way to record audio from the Microphone to a WAV file (e.g. for future transmission). I would also like a...
Need to figure out why the RSSI signal strength indication (the blue, white, and red lines) are much lower on the r9 board. The red line (max signal strength) does...
I tried entering a simple hex value for the "Filter" in the BLE RX app, such as "5" or "50". I was expecting to be able to filter by MAC...
A Screenshot of the Waterfall/Spectrum view doesn't match what appears on the screen. This is possibly because Spectrum uses the rectangle "scroll" function. Perhaps there's a way to fix this...
Similarly to the WAV file viewer app, I think it would be nice to have a viewer app for C16 capture files without requiring a computer. Ideally it should be...
Running Audio RX app in WFM mode, it has been noted that the M4 CPU utlization (as reported using the DFU button) varies between 4% and 100% when simple changes...
Many radio receivers have quick-access memory buttons for tuning stored frequencies that the user may wish to listen to. I propose an app that shows a "button" widget on the...
To reproduce, open Notepad app, press Select to open File Manager, and click on a file with a 64+ character path to open in Notepad, and a GURU meditation fault...