Raylib-CsLo copied to clipboard
autogen bindings to Raylib 4.x and convenience wrappers on top. Requires use of `unsafe`
Hello I was wondering if there is any plan to update with the new version Raylib 5.0? Thanks in advance.
Hallo, i wanted to load a Shader. So I first tried using LoadShader.. `LoadShader(Textformat(string, value),Textformat(string,value))` It then showes: [11:41:07 INF] FILEIO: [Data/Scenes/Test2/Shader/base_lighting.vert] Text file loaded successfully [11:41:07 INF] FILEIO: [Data/Scenes/Test2/Shader/lighting.frag]...
Hey. I'm using version and I noticed that there is no native Raylib DLL for 32 bit. I tried it myself, but I must confess that I couldn't manage...
SetTraceLogCallback is declared as ```csharp [DllImport("raylib", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, ExactSpelling = true)] public unsafe static extern void SetTraceLogCallback(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl] callback); ``` but the callback in C is ```C void CustomLog(int...
If you use/love `raylib-cslo` and are interested in helping to maintain the binding, let me know. **Raylib-cslo is up to date and working 100%.** I just don't really use it...
It would be nice to have an automated build process like what `raylib-cs` has. This would automatically build the windows,linux,osx binaries when a code change is commited. Currently building for...