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AX5043 Based USB Radio, dual band UHF and VHF
VUHFRadio Module
This is a firmware for a VUHFRadio Module based on the AX5043. To achieve both VHF and UHF on the same board it uses two AX5043 ICs.
Some characteristics of this firmware:
- Custom AX5043 Library, Read/Write to it’s registers with a function to get or set each register
- AX5043 Library Supports Multiple AX5043 Chips, multiple SPI Interfaces
- The MCU used is an STM32F103 and this firmware uses mostly the LL Library, except the VCP (Virtual COM) Library is using HAL
- Command interface is based on CAT commands, similar to what is used in popular HAM Radios from Yaesu or Kenwood
- Packet/frame interface based on the KISS protocol
Current version is tested and works with:
- AX.25 Frames with HDLC and CRC handled in the radio and sent to PC (USB) using the KISS protocol
- AFSK-1200: RX and TX compatible with HAM Radios using a TNC. Tested with RTL.SDR and SDR# output to SoundModem.
- FSK-9600 (G3RUH): RX and TX compatible with HAM Radios using a TNC. Tested with RTL.SDR and SDR# output to SoundModem HS.
- (G)MSK/(G)FSK: Both RX and TX, tested @ 9600 bits/s MSK and GMSK (with BT of 0.5 and 0.3)
- BPSK: Now working as well, both RX and TX
- Morse decoding using the RSSI tracking
- AM and FM Demodulation output by the DAC
- FM Modulation from ADC input
Results like spectrums and input matching and other tests:
Detailed explanation on the configuration of the AX5043 transceiver:
Both the low level register abstraction library as well as the higher level configuration changes library for the AX5043 transceiver are portable. To port them to a different platform, both the AX5043 folder, and all it's files, as well as the radioCommands.c/.h and radioConfigs.c/.h files have to be included. The "RadioInterfacesInit()" function in the radioCommands.c has to be changed to use the platforms SPI interface and CS GPIO.
File Organization
src/HAL: MCU peripheral drivers, custom HALs
src/USB: MCU USB HAL with custom wrapper functions
src/AX5043: AX5043 register read/write wrappers and defines
src/AX5043/ax5043_interface.c: SPI interface wrapper
src/Commands/CATInterface.c: CAT Command Handler and interpreter functions (The other files are deprecated and will be phased out)
inc/Radio/radioConfigs.h: Radio configuration structs defines
src/radioCommands.c: Radio configuration functions/wrappers
src/memoryChannelConfigs.c: Tested and saved radio configurations, like AFSK-1200 and G3RUH