dotfiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles copied to clipboard

A repository for (mostly) everything that starts with a dot on my Arch Linux systems.

A repository for most things starting with a dot

Welcome fellow stranger

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This is where I periodically throw my configuration files. You might be here for something specific, in that case I recommend that you scroll below for the repository map and find what you are looking for

Here are some details about my setup:

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Main Applications

  • Browser(s): Firefox & Waterfox (I use 3 browsers, shut up)
  • Notification Daemon: swaync
  • Bar: Waybar
  • Wallpaper Daemon: swww
  • Application Menu: Wofi
  • Polkit Agent: gnome-polkit
  • Gamma Controller: gammastep (only one that works on NVIDIA gpus)
  • Locker: swaylock-effects (the mildly more updated fork)
  • Powermenu: wlogout
  • Clipboard Manager: cliphist
  • Media: mopidy & nncmpp
  • Theming: Kvantum & qt5ct


Keybind Action
super + enter Spawn terminal
super + shift + enter Spawn floating terminal
super + d Launch wofi
super + shift + q Close active window
super + control + space Toggle float for active window
super + [1-0] Focus selected workspace
super + [*(Asterisk)/Backspace] "Special" workspaces.
SUPER + shift + KP_Multiply (*) Send to special workspace
super + shift + [1-0] Send window to specified workspaces

... More to be documented later.


If you have any questions or issues, open an issue under this repository. If you have any suggestions for improvement, head to the "Pull Requests" section and make your changes. If you think this repository is confusing, you are (mostly) right. Feel free to open an issue and ask why something is the way it is.


Huge props to the awesome people listed below. If you like my dotfiles in the state they are in, it's most likely dude to how much those people inspired me (euphemism for stealing) with their configurations.

  • bauzin-32 - Most of my revamped zsh configuration and my new locking scripts from his dots. Awesome scripts, and incredibly neat dots. Massive thanks for having the dots open to public on Github.
  • 0x4nt - The installation script in /Scripts was partially inspired and improved by his