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Documentation on how to use type fields
Using a non-monadic parser means you cannot case-match on a field to determine what to parse next. BUT we can still use type fields like this:
data NSCheck = NSCheck
{ nsCheckDomain :: !Domain,
nsCheckAddresses :: ![Domain]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via (Autodocodec NSCheck)
instance Validity NSCheck
instance HasCodec NSCheck where
codec =
object "NSCheck" $
typeField "ns" NSCheck
<*> domainField .= nsCheckDomain
<*> singleOrListFieldWith "value" "values" domainCodec "domains" .= nsCheckAddresses
typeField :: Text -> a -> ObjectCodec b a
typeField typeName a =
a <$ requiredFieldWith' "type" (literalTextCodec typeName) .= const typeName
This could be documented better.