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Update kotlin

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
com.google.devtools.ksp (source) 2.0.0-1.0.22 -> 2.0.21-1.0.25 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json 1.7.1 -> 1.7.3 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test 1.9.0-RC -> 1.9.0 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android 1.9.0-RC -> 1.9.0 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core 1.9.0-RC -> 1.9.0 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin.android (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence
org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-junit (source) 2.0.0 -> 2.0.21 age adoption passing confidence

[!WARNING] Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information.

Release Notes

google/ksp (com.google.devtools.ksp)


Compare Source

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/google/ksp/compare/2.0.21-RC-1.0.25...2.0.21-1.0.25


Compare Source

Bugs Fixed

Inlined JVM name is not correct #​1493 [KSP2] NullPointerException when getting name of nested annotation #​1963 [KSP2] The status was unresolved for FirSimpleFunctionImpl #​1938 [KSP2] Class values in type annotations get resolved to error type #​1933 [KSP2] Comparing KSType leads to exception #​1918 [KSP2] Can't find values in repeatable annotations #​1883 incremental: aggregating outputs should always be invalidated #​2027 [KSP2] Not yet implemented: KSValueArgumentLiteImpl.getLocation #​2048 [KSP2] Not yet implemented: KSValueArgumentImpl.getParent #​2049 getSymbolsWithAnnotation returns copy function from data class #​1996 [KSP2] Annotations got use-site target when there are none specified #​1882 getting null pointer exception #​1929 [KSP2] Calling getDeclarationsInSourceOrder throws KotlinIllegalStateExceptionWithAttachments #​1930 [KSP2] A failure occurred while executing com.google.devtools.ksp.gradle.KspAAWorkerAction #​1941 KSP2: Resolver.getJvmNames doesn't work for inline and internal classes #​1640 kspCaches don't work together with Gradle build cache #​2042


Thank you so much! @​ansman, @​kuanyingchou

Full Changelog: https://github.com/google/ksp/compare/2.0.20-1.0.24...2.0.20-1.0.25


Compare Source

What's Changed


Compare Source

What's Changed


Compare Source

What's Changed

#​2013 Handle edge cases of KtAnnotated.annotations #​2009 Fix :kotlin-analysis-api:shadowJar failing on Windows #​2006 Use symbol-processing-aa-embeddable in Gradle

Bugs Fixed

#​1956 IllegalAccessError in Dagger with KSP2.0.0-1.0.22 and KSP2 #​1998 KSP2 version 2.0.0-1.0.23 crashes on Moshi codegen with NoSuchElementException: Collection contains no element matching the predicate.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/google/ksp/compare/e8807446b16ba19e110cc23f6b852054614f7ec8...c63864cc1268bcb1c83e058494b6ff4b25947251


Compare Source

Issues fixed
  • [KSP2] Nullable type arg type becomes non-null after replace() call #​1856
  • Annotations on enum entires on K2 are missing #​1962
  • Got IllegalStateException when calling replace() on error types #​1960
  • [KSP2] Resolver.getJvmCheckedException doesn't work on property accessors #​1900
  • [KSP2] Property getter JVM names in data classes become componentN instead of getXXX #​1958
  • [KSP2] Resolver.mapToJvmSignature doesn't unwrap inline classes #​1859
  • [KSP2] KSFunctionDeclaration.asMemberOf does not return correct types #​1919
  • implement getOwnerJvmClassName #​1979
  • [KSP2] KSPropertyDeclaration.hasBackingField returns inconsistent results #​1939
  • [KSP2] Annotations on extension receivers are missing #​1899
Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization (org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json)



This release aims to fix important issues that were discovered in the 1.7.2 release, including the inability to sync certain projects into Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA and exceptions from custom Uuid serializers.

It uses Kotlin 2.0.20 by default.

  • Use explicit kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-test versions from version catalog (#​2818)
  • Drop usage of deprecated Any?.freeze() in K/N target (#​2819)
  • Check against serialName instead of simpleClassName (#​2802)
  • Ignore NoClassDefFoundError when initializing builtins map for serializer() function (#​2803)
  • Clarify example for SerializationException (#​2806)



This release provides several new features, including a major Cbor configuration rework. It uses Kotlin 2.0.20 by default.

Cbor feature set for COSE compliance

This change brings a lot of features to the CBOR format, namely:

  • Serial Labels — see @CborLabel annotation and preferCborLabelsOverNames flag.
  • Tagging of keys and values — see encode*Tags and verify*Tags set of flags
  • Definite length encoding — see useDefiniteLengthEncoding. This flag affects object encoding, since decoding of arrays with definite lenghts is automatically supported.
  • Option to globally prefer major type 2 for byte array encoding — see alwaysUseByteString flag.

Since there are quite a lot of flags now, they were restructured to a separate CborConfiguration class, similarly to JsonConfiguration. It is possible to retrieve this configuration from CborEncoder/CborDecoder interfaces in your custom serializers (see their documentation for details).

All of these features make it possible to serialize and parse COSE-compliant CBOR, for example, ISO/IEC 18013-5:2021-compliant mobile driving license data. In case you want to make use of them, there is a predefined Cbor.CoseCompliant instance. However, some canonicalization steps (such as sorting keys) still need to be performed manually.

This functionality was contributed to us by Bernd Prünster.

Keeping generated serializers

One of the most requested features for serialization plugin was to continue to generate a serializer even if a custom one is specified for the class. It allows using a plugin-generated serializer in a fallback or delegate strategy, accessing type structure via descriptor, using default serialization behavior in inheritors that do not use custom serializers.

Starting with this release, you can specify the @KeepGeneratedSerializer annotation on the class declaration to instruct the plugin to continue generating the serializer. In this case, the serializer will be accessible using the .generatedSerializer() function on the class's companion object.

This annotation is currently experimental. Kotlin 2.0.20 or higher is required for this feature to work.

You can check out the examples in the documentation and in the PRs: #​2758, #​2669.

Serializer for kotlin.uuid.Uuid

Kotlin 2.0.20 added a common class to represent UUIDs in a multiplatform code. kotlinx.serialization 1.7.2 provides a corresponding Uuid.serializer() for it, making it possible to use it in @Serializable classes. Note that for now, serializer should be provided manually with @Contextual annotation. Plugin will be able to automatically insert Uuid serializer in Kotlin 2.1.0.

See more details in the corresponding PR.

Other bugfixes and improvements

  • Prohibited using of zero and negative field numbers in ProtoNumber (#​2766)
  • Improve readability of protobuf decoding exception messages (#​2768) (thanks to xiaozhikang0916)
  • docs(serializers): Fix grammatical errors (#​2779) (thanks to jamhour1g)
  • Fixed VerifyError after ProGuard optimization (#​2728)
  • Add wasm-wasi target to Okio integration (#​2727)
Kotlin/kotlinx-datetime (org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime)


  • Prohibit parsing non-ASCII digits as numbers in DateTimeFormat (#​405)
  • More accurately determine which files represent time zones and which don't on Linux and Darwin (#​395)
  • Fix a regression that occasionally considered the right boundary of a time overlap to be a part of it on Native (#​399)
  • Introduce various small improvements to the timezone handling on Windows (#​390)
  • On Linux, allow not having any /etc/localtime set, defaulting to TimeZone.UTC as the system time zone (#​426)
Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines (org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-test)


Compare Source

  • Wasm/WASI target support (#​4064). Thanks, @​igoriakovlev!
  • limitedParallelism now optionally accepts the name of the dispatcher view for easier debugging (#​4023).
  • No longer initialize Dispatchers.IO on the JVM when other standard dispatchers are accessed (#​4166). Thanks, @​metalhead8816!
  • Introduced the Flow<T>.chunked(size: Int): Flow<List<T>> operator that groups emitted values into groups of the given size (#​1290).
  • Closeable dispatchers are instances of AutoCloseable now (#​4123).
  • Calling hasNext on a Channel's iterator is idempotent (#​4065). Thanks, @​gitpaxultek!
  • CoroutineScope() created without an explicit dispatcher uses Dispatchers.Default on Native (#​4074). Thanks, @​whyoleg!
  • Fixed a bug that prevented non-Android Dispatchers.Main from initializing when the Firebase dependency is used (#​3914).
  • Ensured a more intuitive ordering of tasks in runBlocking (#​4134).
  • Forbid casting a Mutex to Semaphore (#​4176).
  • Worked around a stack overflow that may occur when calling asDeferred on a Future many times (#​4156).
Deprecations and promotions
  • Advanced the deprecation levels for BroadcastChannel-based API (#​4197).
  • Advanced the deprecation levels for the old kotlinx-coroutines-test API (#​4198).
  • Deprecated Job.cancelFutureOnCompletion (#​4173).
  • Promoted CoroutineDispatcher.limitedParallelism to stable (#​3864).
  • Promoted CoroutineStart.ATOMIC from ExperimentalCoroutinesApi to DelicateCoroutinesApi (#​4169).
  • Promoted CancellableContinuation.resume with an onCancellation lambda to stable, providing extra arguments to the lambda (#​4088).
  • Marked the classes and interfaces that are not supposed to be inherited from with the new InternalForInheritanceCoroutinesApi opt-in (#​3770).
  • Marked the classes and interfaces inheriting from which is not stable with the new ExperimentalForInheritanceCoroutinesApi opt-in (#​3770).
  • Kotlin was updated to 2.0 (#​4137).
  • Reworked the documentation for CoroutineStart and Channel-based API (#​4147, #​4148, #​4167). Thanks, @​globsterg!
  • Simplified the internal implementation of Job (#​4053).
  • Small tweaks, fixes, and documentation improvements.


Compare Source

  • Advanced the deprecation levels for BroadcastChannel-based API (#​4197).
  • Advanced the deprecation levels for the old kotlinx-coroutines-test API (#​4198).
  • Promoted CoroutineStart.ATOMIC from ExperimentalCoroutinesApi to DelicateCoroutinesApi (#​4169).
  • Reworked the documentation for CoroutineStart and Channel-based API (#​4147, #​4148, #​4167). Thanks, @​globsterg!
  • Forbid casting a Mutex to Semaphore (#​4176).
  • Deprecated Job.cancelFutureOnCompletion (#​4173).
  • Worked around a stack overflow that may occur when calling asDeferred on a Future many times (#​4156).
  • Fixed a bug that disallowed setting a custom probeCoroutineResumed when starting coroutines with UNDISPATCHED (#​4162).
  • No longer initialize Dispatchers.IO on the JVM when other standard dispatchers are accessed (#​4166). Thanks, @​metalhead8816!
  • Small tweaks, fixes, and documentation improvements.
JetBrains/kotlin (org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.compose)

v2.0.21: Kotlin 2.0.21

Apple Ecosystem
Backend. Native. Debug
  • KT-71374 lldb: step out breaks breaking in Xcode 16
  • KT-69735 K2: Static fields are missing from the declaration list of corresponding IrClass for java class
  • KT-71122 Regression in Kotlin Compiler 2.0 causing NPE in the runtime
  • KT-70931 K2 / Scripts: "cannot convert IrExpression to ConstantValue" when using function annotation
  • KT-70584 K2: "IllegalStateException: flow for PostponedLambdaExitNode not initialized - traversing nodes in wrong order?"
  • KT-70808 K2: "node has already been visited" with anonymous object in dead code
  • KT-69985 K2: Classifier declarations from root package are resolved without imports in non-root packages
  • KT-70683 K2: Internal compiler error in IrFakeOverrideSymbolBase.getOwner
  • KT-70901 False positive Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API property accessor
  • KT-70930 K2: Java annotations not present on ENUM_ENTRY IR elements
  • KT-70194 K2 IDE: exception on a very red file
  • KT-69399 Native: IllegalStateException: "Failed to build cache"
Compose compiler
  • b/329477544 Force open / overridden Composable functions to be non-restartable.
  • b/361652128 Disable live literal transform if the corresponding flag is disabled
IR. Actualizer
  • KT-70894 IR crash. Unprocessed IrFunctionFakeOverrideSymbol when actualize to Java
IR. Tree
  • KT-71191 SymbolTable: Check if the provided signature is public before adding a symbol to the SymbolTable
Native. Build Infrastructure
  • KT-71485 K/N runtime parts don't build due to _Float16 issues on x86_64 macOS
Native. C Export
  • KT-69507 LLVM 11 clang with Xcode 16 headers: standard c++ headers
Native. C and ObjC Import
  • KT-71029 Investigate why stdarg.h declarations leak into testModuleA
Native. Platform Libraries
  • KT-70566 LLVM 11 clang with Xcode 16 headers: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not found
  • KT-71624 Eliminate remaining UIKit/AppKit removed signatures
  • KT-70031 Rebuild platform libraries in 2.0.21 with Xcode 16
Native. Testing
  • KT-70603 C++ with -fmodules: cyclic dependency in module 'std': std -> _wctype -> __wctype -> std in dev llvm toolchains
Tools. CLI. Native
  • KT-71262 KotlinNativeLink tasks fetching from network despite -Xoverride-konan-properties=dependenciesUrl= being set
Tools. Compiler Plugins
  • KT-71038 PowerAssert: Constant on RHS of elvis operator leads to compiler crash
Tools. Daemon
  • KT-35381 Get rid of the native-platform usage in kotlin compiler
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
  • KT-71444 Certain POMs produced by Kotlin 2.0.20 cannot be consumed by KMP projects with Android targets
  • KT-70700 Gradle 8.10: The value for task ':commonizeNativeDistribution' property 'kotlinNativeBundleBuildService' cannot be changed any further
  • KT-71396 Gradle client side JVM explodes with OOM due to xcodebuild logs
Tools. Gradle. Native
  • KT-71419 Light bundle KGP IT run against a stable K/N version
Tools. JPS
  • KT-71450 Constant build failure: com.intellij.util.io.ClosedStorageException: storage is already closed


Analysis. API
New Features
  • KT-68143 Analysis API: support KtWhenConditionInRange call resolution
Performance Improvements
  • KT-67195 K2: do not call redundant resolve on body resolution phase for classes
  • KT-67360 Analysis API: KtDestructuringDeclarationSymbol#entries shouldn't be KtLocalVariableSymbol
  • KT-67748 K2: AllCandidatesResolver modifies the original FirDelegatedConstructorCall
  • KT-68198 Analysis API: Support application service registration in plugin XMLs
  • KT-62936 Analysis API: NativeForwardDeclarationsSymbolProvider is not supported for Kotlin/Native
  • KT-68689 LL API: support analysis from builtins module
  • KT-69630 KAPT User project builds with KAPT4 enabled fail with Metaspace overflow
  • KT-65417 K2 IDE: KTOR false positive expect-actual matching error on enum class because of implicit clone() in non-JVM source sets
  • KT-68882 Analysis API: Refactor KaSymbols
  • KT-65413 K2 IDE: KTOR unresolved serializer() call for @Serializable class in common code
  • KT-67996 Analysis API: rename Kt prefix to Ka
  • KT-67775 Analysis API: expose only interfaces/abstract classes for the user surface
  • KT-68009 K2: lowering transformers of Compose compiler plugin access AbstractFir2IrLazyFunction modality, which results in null point exception
  • KT-68918 collectCallCandidates works incorrectly for parenthesis invoke
  • KT-68462 Analysis API: Integrate project-structure module into analysis-api and analysis-api-platform-interface
  • KT-69131 AA: "provideDelegate" operator is not resolved from the delegation reference in FIR implementation
  • KT-69055 Analysis API: Stabilize KaScopes
  • KT-66216 K2 IDE. "FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is null" on incorrect string template
  • KT-68959 Introduce KaSeverity
  • KT-53669 Analysis API: redesign KtSymbolOrigin to distinguish kotlin/java source/library declarations
  • KT-68846 Mark KaFirReference and all implementations with internal modifier
  • KT-68845 Move KaSymbolBasedReference to resolution package
  • KT-68844 Move KaTypeProjection to types package
  • KT-65849 K2: Rename 'high-level-api' family of JARs to 'analysis-api'
  • KT-62540 Remove uses of TypeInfo.fromString and TypeInfo.createTypeText from Kotlin plugin
  • KT-62889 K2 IDE. FP MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS on not available type alias with available underlying type
  • KT-68155 Analysis API: Add PSI validity check to analyze
  • KT-62343 Analysis API: fix binary incopatibility problems cause by KtAnalysisSessionProvider.analyze being inline
  • KT-68498 To get reference symbol the one should be KtSymbolBasedReference
  • KT-68393 Analysis API: Rename KaClassLikeSymbol. classIdIfNonLocal to classId
  • KT-62924 Analysis API: rename KtCallableSymbol.callableIdIfNonLocal -> callableId
  • KT-66712 K2 IDE. SOE on settings string template for string variable with the same name
  • KT-65892 K2: "We should be able to find a symbol" for findNonLocalFunction
  • KT-68273 AA: support KtFirKDocReference#isReferenceToImportAlias
  • KT-68272 AA: KtFirReference.isReferenceToImportAlias doesn't work for references on constructor
  • KT-66996 Analysis API: Expose the abbreviated type of an expanded KtType
  • KT-66646 K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirUserTypeRefImpl from FirJsHelpersKt.isExportedObject
  • KT-68203 K2: Analysis API: wrong type of receiver value in case of imported object member
  • KT-68031 LL resolve crash in case of PCLA inference with local object
  • KT-67851 K2: PsiReference#isReferenceTo always returns false for references to Java getters
  • KT-68076 AA: use type code fragments for import alias detection
  • KT-65915 K2: Analysis API: extract services registration into xml file
  • KT-68049 Analysis API: do not expose imported symbols
  • KT-68075 K2: Analysis API: Type arguments for delegation constructor to java constructor with type parameters not supported
  • KT-65190 AA: reference to the super type is not resolved
  • KT-68070 AA: KtExpressionInfoProvider#isUsedAsExpression doesn't work for KtPropertyDelegate
  • KT-67743 K2: Stubs & AbbreviatedTypeAttribute
  • KT-67706 K2: "KtDotQualifiedExpression is not a subtype of class KtNamedDeclaration" from UnusedChecker
  • KT-68021 Analysis API: do not break the diagnostic collection in a case of exception from some collector
  • KT-67973 AA FIR: wrong KtCall modeling for == from type bound
  • KT-67949 AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not reported as used by KtFirImportOptimizer
  • KT-67988 AA: functional type at receiver position should be wrapped in parenthesis
  • KT-66536 Analysis API: ContextCollector doesn't provide implicit receivers from FirExpressionResolutionExtension
  • KT-67321 AA: Type arguments of Java methods' calls are not resolved
  • KT-64158 K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for KtParameter"
  • KT-60344 K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expect createKtCall to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign value to param named getParam
  • KT-64599 K2: "expect createKtCall to succeed for resolvable case with callable" for unfinished if statement
  • KT-60330 K2 IDE. ".KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: expect createKtCall to succeed for resolvable case with callable symbol" on attempt to assign or compare true with something
  • KT-66672 K2 IDE. False positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE on accessing private subclass as type argument in parent class declaration
  • KT-67750 Analysis API: Remove infix modifiers from type equality and subtyping functions
  • KT-67655 Analysis API: declare a rule how to deal with parameters in KtLifetimeOwner
  • KT-61775 Analysis API: KtKClassAnnotationValue lacks complete type information
  • KT-67168 K2: Analysis API: Rendering is broken for JSR-305 enhanced Java types
  • KT-66689 Analysis API: KtFirPackageScope shouldn't rely on KotlinDeclarationProvider for binary dependencies in standalone mode
  • KT-60483 Analysis API: add isTailrec property to KtFunctionSymbol
  • KT-67472 K2: Analysis API FIR: KtFunctionCall misses argument with desugared expressions
  • KT-65759 Analysis API: Avoid hard references to LLFirSession in session validity trackers
  • KT-60272 K2: Implement active invalidation of KtAnalysisSessions
  • KT-66765 K2: Analysis API: support classpath substitution with library dependencies in super type transformer
  • KT-67265 K2: status phase should resolve original declarations in the case of classpath subsitution
  • KT-67244 K2: StackOverflowError in the case of cyclic type hierarchy and library classpath substitution
  • KT-67080 K2: clearer contract for lazyResolveToPhaseWithCallableMembers
  • KT-66713 K2 FIR: Expose a way to get the module name used for name mangling
  • KT-61892 KtType#asPsiType could provide nullability annotations
  • KT-66122 Analysis API: Pass KtTestModule instead of TestModule to tests based on AbstractAnalysisApiBasedTest
Analysis. Light Classes
  • KT-65714 K2: IDE K2: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.symbols.pointers.KtFirClassLikeSymbolPointer pointer already disposed"
  • KT-65835 SymbolLightClassForClassLike.getName returns null for a companion object instead of Companion
  • KT-68261 SLC: Constructors of sealed classes should be private
  • KT-68696 Drop DecompiledPsiDeclarationProvider-related stuff
  • KT-68404 SLC: wrong binary resolution to declaration with @JvmName
  • KT-68275 LC: no arg constructor is not visible in light classes
  • KT-66687 Symbol Light Classes: Duplicate field names for classes with companion objects
  • KT-66804 Symbol Light Classes: Fields from the parent interface's companion are added to DefaultImpls
Apple Ecosystem
  • KT-65542 Cinterop tasks fails if Xcode 15.3 is used
Backend. Native. Debug
  • KT-67567 Native: after updating to LLVM 16 lldb hangs when smooth stepping
Backend. Wasm
  • KT-70591 To much sources that don't exist inside SourceMap file
  • KT-69529 compileProductionExecutableKotlinWasmJs FAILED: No such value argument slot in IrConstructorCallImpl: 1 (total=1)
  • KT-68088 Wasm: "UNREACHABLE executed at Precompute.cpp:838" running gradle task wasmJsBrowserDistribution for compose multiplatform on Windows
  • KT-65798 K/Wasm: make an error on default export usage
  • KT-68828 Wasm test failure. expect-actual. private constructor in expect
  • KT-68453 K/Wasm: "Supported JS engine not detected" in Web Worker
  • KT-64565 Kotlin/wasm removeEventListener function did not remove the event listener
  • KT-65322 [Wasm] Clean-up bootstrap code
  • KT-66099 Wasm: local.get of type f64 has to be in the same reference type hierarchy as (ref 686) @​+237036
  • KT-63230 [WASM] println(null) prints 'ul'
New Features
  • KT-58310 Consider non-functional type constraints for type variable which is an expected type for lambda argument
  • KT-68969 Consider implementing general "redundant interpolation prefix" warning
  • KT-57872 Improve "Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" check
  • KT-68165 Native: type checks on generic types boundary
  • KT-67611 Implement improved handling of $ in literals
  • KT-67787 Implement guard conditions for when-with-subject
  • KT-39868 Allow access to protected consts and fields from a super companion object
  • KT-66169 useContents lacks a contract
  • KT-67767 Introduce an ability to enforce explicit return types for public declarations without enabling Explicit API mode
  • KT-65841 Allow to actualize expect types in kotlin stdlib to builtins in JVM
  • KT-53834 Support for JSpecify @NullUnmarked
Performance Improvements
  • KT-69995 K2: Slow compilation when star projecting mutually recursive bounds from java
  • KT-69723 K2: code analysis taking too long
  • KT-69898 K2: Performance degradation in fir2ir caused by changes around intersection types
  • KT-68034 Devirtualization analysis fails to devirtualize string.get
  • KT-67102 IR Evaluator: NoSuchFieldException when accessing a private delegated property
  • KT-35305 "Overload resolution ambiguity" on function for unsigned types (UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong)
  • KT-69211 K2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed requirement
  • KT-68874 Types with different captured types as type arguments are rendered incorrectly
  • KT-66086 K/N: Unchecked illegal cast is not thrown
  • KT-70186 Kotlin 2.0.20-Beta2: Unexpected number of type arguments: 0
  • KT-68889 K2: type variable should not be fixed
  • KT-69835 K2 / Native: kotlin.native.binary.gc=cms throws library cached but its dependency isn't error
  • KT-69964 K2: Returning from an in-place lambda doesn't compile
  • KT-69773 K2: "Overload resolution ambiguity between candidate" with arrays
  • KT-60261 K2: No origin is set for composite assignment operators
  • KT-15388 Forbid delegated property to have external getter/setter
  • KT-70238 K2: false negative VOLATILE_ON_VALUE for constructor properties
  • KT-68669 K2: Generate inherited delegated members after actualization
  • KT-63828 K2: Missing signature metadata for accessors of properties inherited from delegate
  • KT-63871 K2: different value of isNotDefault flag for property inherited from delegate
  • KT-67119 Migration warning from context receivers to context parameters
  • KT-68997 K2: "No accessor found" for an inline value class when query the value of a delegated class by reflection
  • KT-64106 Native: the compiler allows using -opt and -g at the same time
  • KT-69766 K2: False negative: Internal setter of generic class is accessible from another module
  • KT-68364 JVM: ISE "Bad exception handler end" on a non-local break/continue inside try with finally
  • KT-69494 StackOverflowError in CfgTraverserKt.getPreviousCfgNodes
  • KT-56880 K2. Conflicting overloads for main() isn't shown when language version is set to 2.0
  • KT-69282 K2: equality of unsigned types with nullability works incorrectly
  • KT-68492 JVM IR backend: IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Non-reified type parameter under ::class should be rejected by type checker” on evaluating private generic function
  • KT-70039 K2: inconsistent stability of vals of captured receivers
  • KT-44139 Don't report overload resolution ambiguities if arguments contain an error type
  • KT-68996 K2: "Not enough information to infer type argument" caused by typealias annotation with fixed generic argument
  • KT-55851 K2: reference to a field from package private class crashes in runtime
  • KT-65038 K2: Type alias from indirect dependency causes MISSING_DEPENDENCY_CLASS error
  • KT-61875 Native: remove support for bitcode embedding
  • KT-67693 Implement checkers for K1 compiler which will check the usage of K2 new features and report that they are not supported in K1 compiler
  • KT-68556 K2: false negative PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER on uninitialized property without type
  • KT-60445 K2/Java: investigate possible symbol clash while enhancing Java class type parameter bounds
  • KT-64193 K2: No smartcast with two boolean expressions in a row
  • KT-65546 K2. implement extended checker for unused anonymous parameter in lambda
  • KT-68358 @EnhancedNullability is missing on value parameter type after inheritance by delegation with strict JSpecify enabled
  • KT-67791 False negative "Synchronizing by Meters is forbidden" with inline value classes
  • KT-69495 k2: inconsistent output of unsigned number in string templates
  • KT-69619 K2. JAVA_TYPE_MISMATCH when Kotlin out generic type used in Java
  • KT-69563 trying to call .source on FirPackageFragmentDescriptor results in exception
  • [KT-69611](https://y


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renovate[bot] avatar Jul 12 '24 01:07 renovate[bot]