nRF52-ble-long-range-demo copied to clipboard
Files for armgcc-compilation
Would it be possible to add a corresponding Makefile and loader-file?
The demo is based on the example ble_app_att_mtu_throughput in the SDK, so you can use the makefile from that example. ..\nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a\examples\ble_central_and_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_att_mtu_throughput
Thank you very much for that hint! :)
Note: Works like a charm!
Agreed, works great!
I noticed there is a pending pull request to add the support files for armgcc-compilation. I discovered it after creating the Makefile/LD files on my own. Could you, please, accept the pull request? It'll be very useful to other people. Thanks for your great work!