iMessageWorkflow copied to clipboard
To (Contact) bug
I was searching on your Python code of iMessageFromFile and I noticed that the query was always returning the phone number, and not the name of the person, so when I would IM an user, it would always appear:
I made some changes on your code on iMessageFromFile and now it's always returning the name:
def findBestiMessageArgument(name, phone_number_list):
if not buddyList:
for phone_number in phone_number_list:
num = string.strip(phone_number)
if len(num) == 10:
num = "1" + num
return name
hi @lfarah , I'm actually overhauling a lot of this code at the moment. With a lot of code from @amoose136, I'm going to be releasing a much more straightforward workflow for iMessages. I believe with the release, this problem should go away! Thank you for submitting a bug change though