Sebastian Malton

Results 266 comments of Sebastian Malton

#### Current idea formulation: Arguments have at least the following: - `func PlacementName() rune`: this value is the value that **must** be used in the argument placement regex. It is...

`computed-size`? It could even default to size if that was provided.

Probably, I was more thinking of how to get the information of the computed size to the user

Would this also support the SVG's `` and `` tags?

What would also be helpful is a way to inject a `stagingPercentage` through the configuration. At least there is no documentation about where you could put that

This is still happening on Windows 10. The autocomplete works but throws an error with every character typed. Quite unusable

This is still happening for myself on Windows, my settings are the following: C:\Users\snmalton\.cargo\bin\racer.exe C:\Users\snmalton\.rustup\toolchains\stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

FileHandle is missing `createReadStream` and `createWriteStream`