Results 131 issues of Noitidart

Much thanks to @pag77 for this report. Foxified is hiding forms: ChromeStoreFoxified Enabled: ChromeStoreFoxified Disabled:


Error given is: > “Error: Permission denied to access property "exports"[Weitere Informationen]react-with-addons.js:12:27” in en-us: > Error: Permission denied to access property "exports"react-with-addons.js:12:27 I think this affects the following three situations:...


Hi there, Anyone with graphics skills out there? May I please request a new icon for Foxified. May you please use the CWS logo: ![]( Can you help make it...

help wanted

Hi guys, Please help localize for your language here -

help wanted

I was hoping to submit a PR to add Mac OS X support. I see you have a specific file structure, and place cetrain things in certain places. Can you...

In iOS I am getting a warning that says: > Module RNAppTour requires main queue setup since it overrides `init` but doesn't implementw `requiresMainQueueSetup`. In a future release of React...

I am having some issues with the text fitting in iOS. On iOS it looks like the screencast below. I have two issues: * We see two issues in the...


I am trying to upload multipart/form-data but with JSON. I am trying this: ``` RNFetchBlob.fetch( 'PUT', `${fetchApi.DOMAIN}/api/user`, { Accept: 'application/json', Authorization: `Bearer ${fetchApi.TOKEN}`, 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }, [ { name:'avatar', filename:fileName,...