simple tap on modal closes it...
react-google-recaptcha version: "^2.1.0" consider form with hidden recapcha and in `onSubmit`, we execute: ``` values.recaptcha = await recaptchaRef.current.executeAsync(); //Submit values to validate in be ``` When user does not resolve...
When a ScreenA does not have a header and ScreenB has one, transition from bottom, animates different for screen and different for header. Screen transitions from bottom, but header from...
In my case, `GeoCoder` works, but `Suggest` does not. Here is my code: ``` import {Geocoder, Suggest} from 'react-native-yamap'; Geocoder.init('xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx'); .... const response_ = await Geocoder.reverseGeocode(q) ; // This one...
Is there any sample of where and how to get all the env variables? It is still not clear to me these env variables and where to get the values...